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  3. Modeling snowline locations in protostars – Nadia Murillo

Modeling snowline locations in protostars – Nadia Murillo

RIKEN, Japan
Snowline locations are responsible for a range of effects during the formation and evolution of stars, such as setting the chemical composition of the envelope and disk. This in turn influences the formation of planets through changing the elemental compositions of solids and affecting the collisional properties and outcomes of dust grains. Snowlines can also reveal echoes of past accretion bursts, lending insight into the formation process of stars. A numerical chemical network coupled with a grid of cylindrical-symmetric physical models is used to identify what parameters alter snowline locations, and their observational tracers. Snowline locations move to larger radii (i.e., away from the heating source) with increasing luminosity and decreasing envelope densities. The snowline radius of molecules with low sublimation temperatures (~30K), such as CO, shift inwards along the disk mid-plane when a disk(-like) structure is present. For molecules that sublimate at higher temperatures (∼100 K), such as H2O, the presence of a disk concentrates these molecules to compact regions (<100 AU) around the protostar by limiting the outward shift of snowline positions. Successful observational measurements of snowline locations are strongly dependent on spatial resolution, and inclination of the protostellar cloud core.

Horarios: 15:30 - 16:30 hrs

Publicado por:


septiembre 13, 2022 - septiembre 13, 2022

schedule 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
place Lugar

Sala N6, Campus San Joaquín UC


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