Los profesores del Instituto de Astrofísica realizan múltiples investigaciones que se detallan a continuación:
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1 Aguilera-Gómez, C., Chanamé, J., & Pinsonneault, M. H., On Lithium-6 as a Diagnostic of the Lithium-enrichment Mechanism in Red Giants, \apjl 897, L20…897L..20A
2 Ahumada, R., Prieto, C. A., Almeida, A., et al., The 16th Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: First Release from the APOGEE-2 Southern Survey and Full Release of eBOSS Spectra, \apjs 249, 3….3A
3 Aiola, S., Calabrese, E., Maurin, L., et al., The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: DR4 maps and cosmological parameters, \jcap 2020, 047…12..047A
4 Amante, M. H., Magaña, J., Motta, V., et al., Testing dark energy models with a new sample of strong-lensing systems, \mnras 498, 6013
5 Ananna, T. T., Treister, E., Urry, C. M., et al., Accretion History of AGNs. II. Constraints on AGN Spectral Parameters Using the Cosmic X-Ray Background, \apj 889, 17…889…17A
6 Ananna, T. T., Urry, C. M., Treister, E., et al., Accretion History of AGNs. III. Radiative Efficiency and AGN Contribution to Reionization, \apj 903, 85…903…85A
7 Annuar, A., Alexander, D. M., Gandhi, P., et al., NuSTAR observations of four nearby X-ray faint AGNs: low luminosity or heavy obscuration?, \mnras 497, 229
8 Antoja, T., Ramos, P., Mateu, C., et al., An all-sky proper-motion map of the Sagittarius stream using Gaia DR2, \aap 635, L3…635L…3A
9 Aravena, M., Boogaard, L., Gónzalez-López, J., et al., The ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field: The Nature of the Faintest Dusty Star-forming Galaxies, \apj 901, 79…901…79A
10 Artola, R., Beroiz, M., Cabral, J., et al., TOROS optical follow-up of the advanced LIGO-VIRGO O2 second observational campaign, \mnras 493, 2207
11 Assef, R. J., Brightman, M., Walton, D. J., et al., Hot Dust-obscured Galaxies with Excess Blue Light, \apj 897, 112…897..112A
12 Astudillo-Defru, N., Cloutier, R., Wang, S. X., et al., A hot terrestrial planet orbiting the bright M dwarf L 168-9 unveiled by TESS, \aap 636, A58…636A..58A
13 Astudillo, J., Protopapas, P., Pichara, K., et al., An Information Theory Approach on Deciding Spectroscopic Follow-ups, \aj 159, 16….159…16A
14 Bakos, G. Á., Bayliss, D., Bento, J., et al., HATS-71b: A Giant Planet Transiting an M3 Dwarf Star in TESS Sector 1, \aj 159, 267….159..267B
15 Baronchelli, L., Nandra, K., & Buchner, J., Relativistic accretion disc reflection in AGN X-ray spectra at z = 0.5-4: a study of four Chandra Deep Fields, \mnras 498, 5284
16 Battistelli, E. S., Ade, P., Alberro, J. G., et al., QUBIC: The Q & U Bolometric Interferometer for Cosmology, Journal of Low Temperature Physics 199, 482
17 Becker, I., Pichara, K., Catelan, M., et al., Scalable end-to-end recurrent neural network for variable star classification, \mnras 493, 2981
18 Boardman, N., Zasowski, G., Seth, A., et al., Milky Way analogues in MaNGA: multiparameter homogeneity and comparison to the Milky Way, \mnras 491, 3672
19 Boardman, N., Zasowski, G., Newman, J. A., et al., Are the Milky Way and Andromeda unusual? A comparison with Milky Way and Andromeda analogues, \mnras 498, 4943
20 Boogaard, L. A., van der Werf, P., Weiss, A., et al., The ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field: CO Excitation and Atomic Carbon in Star-forming Galaxies at z = 1-3, \apj 902, 109…902..109B
21 Brahm, R., Nielsen, L. D., Wittenmyer, R. A., et al., TOI-481 b and TOI-892 b: Two Long-period Hot Jupiters from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, \aj 160, 235….160..235B
22 Britzen, S., Fendt, C., Witzel, G., et al., A precessing and nutating jet in OJ287, Perseus in Sicily: From Black Hole to Cluster Outskirts 342, 250
23 Bulla, M., Miller, A. A., Yao, Y., et al., ZTF Early Observations of Type Ia Supernovae. III. Early-time Colors As a Test for Explosion Models and Multiple Populations, \apj 902, 48…902…48B
24 Calderón, D., Cuadra, J., Schartmann, M., et al., Three-dimensional simulations of clump formation in stellar wind collisions, \mnras 493, 447
25 Calderón, D., Cuadra, J., Schartmann, M., et al., Stellar Winds Pump the Heart of the Milky Way, \apjl 888, L2…888L…2C
26 Carballo-Bello, J. A., Extra-tidal features using Gaia DR2, Star Clusters: From the Milky Way to the Early Universe 351, 420
27 Carmo, A., Ferreira Lopes, C. E., Papageorgiou, A., et al., Recovering variable stars in large surveys: EA<SUB>up</SUB> Algol-type class in the Catalina Survey, \mnras 498, 2833
28 Carvajal, R., Bauer, F. E., Bouwens, R. J., et al., The ALMA Frontier Fields Survey. V. ALMA Stacking of Lyman-Break Galaxies in Abell 2744, Abell 370, Abell S1063, MACSJ0416.1-2403 and MACSJ1149.5+2223, \aap 633, A160…633A.160C
29 Castillo, F., Reisenegger, A., & Valdivia, J. A., Two-fluid simulations of the magnetic field evolution in neutron star cores in the weak-coupling regime, \mnras 498, 3000
30 Cheng, X., Anguiano, B., Majewski, S. R., et al., Exploring the Galactic Warp through Asymmetries in the Kinematics of the Galactic Disk, \apj 905, 49…905…49C
31 Chinone, Y., Adachi, S., Ade, P., et al., Results of gravitational lensing and primordial gravitational waves from the POLARBEAR experiment, Journal of Physics Conference Series 1468, 012007
32 Choi, S. K., Hasselfield, M., Ho, S.-P. P., et al., The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: a measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background power spectra at 98 and 150 GHz, \jcap 2020, 045…12..045C
33 Cirasuolo, M., Fairley, A., Rees, P., et al., MOONS: The New Multi-Object Spectrograph for the VLT, The Messenger 180, 10…10C
34 Cleeves, I., Bergin, E., Bergner, J., et al., A Hydrocarbon Rich Atmosphere in the Closest Planet Forming Disk?, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #236 236, 304.06…23630406C
35 Clerc, N., Kirkpatrick, C. C., Finoguenov, A., et al., SPIDERS: overview of the X-ray galaxy cluster follow-up and the final spectroscopic data release, \mnras 497, 3976
36 Coccato, L., Jaffé, Y. L., Cortesi, A., et al., Formation of S0s in extreme environments I: clues from kinematics and stellar populations, \mnras 492, 2955
37 Cohen, R. E., Goudfrooij, P., Correnti, M., et al., The Strikingly Metal-rich Halo of the Sombrero Galaxy, \apj 890, 52…890…52C
38 Cooke, B. F., Pollacco, D., Almleaky, Y., et al., Two Transiting Hot Jupiters from the WASP Survey: WASP-150b and WASP-176b, \aj 159, 255….159..255C
39 Cortes-Rangel, G., Zapata, L. A., Toalá, J. A., et al., ALMA Observations of the Extraordinary Carina Pillars: HH 901/902, \aj 159, 62….159…62C
40 Cowie, L. L., Barger, A. J., Bauer, F. E., et al., On the Absence of High-redshift AGNs: Little Growth in the Supermassive Black Hole Population at High Redshifts, \apj 891, 69…891…69C
41 Cuello, N., Louvet, F., Mentiplay, D., et al., Flybys in protoplanetary discs – II. Observational signatures, \mnras 491, 504
42 Cúneo, V. A., Muñoz-Darias, T., Sánchez-Sierras, J., et al., Discovery of optical outflows and inflows in the black hole candidate GRS 1716-249, \mnras 498, 25…25C
43 D’Amato, Q., Gilli, R., Vignali, C., et al., Dust and gas content of high-redshift galaxies hosting obscured AGN in the Chandra Deep Field-South, \aap 636, A37…636A..37D
44 de La Vieuville, G., Pelló, R., Richard, J., et al., MUSE observations towards the lensing cluster A2744: Intersection between the LBG and LAE populations at z ∼ 3–7, \aap 644, A39…644A..39D
45 de Menezes, R., Amaya-Almazán, R. A., Marchesini, E. J., et al., Optical spectroscopic observations of gamma-ray blazar candidates. X. Results from the 2018-2019 SOAR and OAN-SPM observations of blazar candidates of uncertain type, \apss 365, 12…12D
46 Delvecchio, I., Daddi, E., Aird, J., et al., The Evolving AGN Duty Cycle in Galaxies Since z ∼ 3 as Encoded in the X-Ray Luminosity Function, \apj 892, 17…892…17D
47 Diaz, Y., Arévalo, P., Hernández-García, L., et al., Constraining X-ray reflection in the low-luminosity AGN NGC 3718 using NuSTAR and XMM-Newton, \mnras 496, 5399
48 Donor, J., Frinchaboy, P. M., Cunha, K., et al., The Open Cluster Chemical Abundances and Mapping Survey. IV. Abundances for 128 Open Clusters Using SDSS/APOGEE DR16, \aj 159, 199….159..199D
49 Dorval, P., Talens, G. J. J., Otten, G. P. P. L., et al., MASCARA-4 b/bRing-1 b: A retrograde hot Jupiter around a bright A-type star, \aap 635, A60…635A..60D
50 Duras, F., Bongiorno, A., Ricci, F., et al., Universal bolometric corrections for active galactic nuclei over seven luminosity decades, \aap 636, A73…636A..73D
51 Echiburú, C. S., Guillot, S., Zhao, Y., et al., Spectral analysis of the quiescent low-mass X-ray binary in the globular cluster M30, \mnras 495, 4508
52 Espinoza, N., Brahm, R., Henning, T., et al., HD 213885b: a transiting 1-d-period super-Earth with an Earth-like composition around a bright (V = 7.9) star unveiled by TESS, \mnras 491, 2982
53 Favole, G., Gonzalez-Perez, V., Stoppacher, D., et al., [O II] emitters in MultiDark-Galaxies and DEEP2, \mnras 497, 5432
54 Ferrarese, L., Côté, P., MacArthur, L. A., et al., The Next Generation Virgo Cluster Survey (NGVS). XIV. The Discovery of Low-mass Galaxies and a New Galaxy Catalog in the Core of the Virgo Cluster, \apj 890, 128…890..128F
55 Ferreira Lopes, C. E., Cross, N. J. G., Catelan, M., et al., The VISTA Variables in the Vía Láctea infrared variability catalogue (VIVA-I), \mnras 496, 1730
56 Fluxá, P., Brewer, M. K., & Dünner, R., Pixel space convolution for cosmic microwave background experiments, \jcap 2020, 030…02..030F
57 Flörs, A., Spyromilio, J., Taubenberger, S., et al., Sub-Chandrasekhar progenitors favoured for Type Ia supernovae: evidence from late-time spectroscopy, \mnras 491, 2902
58 Fontecilla, C., Lodato, G., & Cuadra, J., The effect of cooling on the accretion of circumprimary discs in merging supermassive black hole binaries, \mnras 499, 2836
59 Garcia, A., Morgan, R., Herner, K., et al., A DESGW Search for the Electromagnetic Counterpart to the LIGO/Virgo Gravitational-wave Binary Neutron Star Merger Candidate S190510g, \apj 903, 75…903…75G
60 García-Vergara, C., Hennawi, J. F., Felipe Barrientos, L., et al., Clustering of galaxies around quasars at z ∼ 4, Uncovering Early Galaxy Evolution in the ALMA and JWST Era 352, 171
61 Gill, S., Wheatley, P. J., Cooke, B. F., et al., NGTS-11 b (TOI-1847 b): A Transiting Warm Saturn Recovered from a TESS Single-transit Event, \apjl 898, L11…898L..11G
62 Gonzalez, O. A., Mucciarelli, A., Origlia, L., et al., MOONS Surveys of the Milky Way and its Satellites, The Messenger 180, 18…18G
63 González-López, J., Novak, M., Decarli, R., et al., The ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the HUDF: Deep 1.2 mm Continuum Number Counts, \apj 897, 91…897…91G
64 González, R. E., & Muñoz, R. P., AstroCV – A computer Vision Library for Astronomy, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXVII 522, 425
65 Gralla, M. B., Marriage, T. A., Addison, G., et al., Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Dusty Star-forming Galaxies and Active Galactic Nuclei in the Equatorial Survey, \apj 893, 104…893..104G
66 Gramajo, L. V., Palma, T., Minniti, D., et al., A hundred new eclipsing binary system candidates studied in a near-infrared window in the VVV survey, \pasa 37, e054…37…54G
67 Guaita, L., Pompei, E., Castellano, M., et al., The VANDELS survey: Discovery of massive overdensities of galaxies at z > 2. Location of Lyα-emitting galaxies with respect to environment, \aap 640, A107…640A.107G
68 Guilera, O. M., Sándor, Z., Ronco, M. P., et al., Giant planet formation at the pressure maxima of protoplanetary disks. II. A hybrid accretion scenario, \aap 642, A140…642A.140G
69 Gurung-López, S., Orsi, Á. A., Bonoli, S., et al., Ly α emitters in a cosmological volume II: the impact of the intergalactic medium, \mnras 491, 3266
70 Gómez-Vargas, G. A., López-Fogliani, D. E., Muñoz, C., et al., MeV-GeV γ-ray telescopes probing axino LSP/gravitino NLSP as dark matter in the μνSSM, \jcap 2020, 058…01..058G
71 Hajdu, G., Dékány, I., Catelan, M., et al., On the optimal calibration of VVV photometry, Experimental Astronomy 49, 217….49..217H
72 Hara, N. C., Bouchy, F., Stalport, M., et al., The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets. XVI. HD 158259: A compact planetary system in a near-3:2 mean motion resonance chain, \aap 636, L6…636L…6H
73 Hartman, J. D., Jordán, A., Bayliss, D., et al., HATS-47b, HATS-48Ab, HATS-49b, and HATS-72b: Four Warm Giant Planets Transiting K Dwarfs, \aj 159, 173….159..173H
74 Hasselquist, S., Zasowski, G., Feuillet, D. K., et al., Exploring the Stellar Age Distribution of the Milky Way Bulge Using APOGEE, \apj 901, 109…901..109H
75 Hernández-Almada, A., Leon, G., Magaña, J., et al., Generalized emergent dark energy: observational Hubble data constraints and stability analysis, \mnras 497, 1590
76 Hernández-Almada, A., García-Aspeitia, M. A., Magaña, J., et al., Stability analysis and constraints on interacting viscous cosmology, \prd 101, 063516
77 Hełminiak, K. G., Jordán, A., Espinoza, N., et al., TESS light curves of low-mass detached eclipsing binaries, IAU Symposium 354, 300
78 Hirao, Y., Bennett, D. P., Ryu, Y.-H., et al., OGLE-2017-BLG-0406: Spitzer Microlens Parallax Reveals Saturn-mass Planet Orbiting M-dwarf Host in the Inner Galactic Disk, \aj 160, 74….160…74H
79 Horta, D., Schiavon, R. P., Mackereth, J. T., et al., The chemical compositions of accreted and in situ galactic globular clusters according to SDSS/APOGEE, \mnras 493, 3363
80 Huang, J., Andrews, S. M., Dullemond, C. P., et al., Erratum: «The Disk Substructures at High Angular Resolution Project (DSHARP). II. Characteristics of Annular Substructures» (2018, ApJL, 869, L42), \apjl 898, L57…898L..57H
81 Inami, H., Decarli, R., Walter, F., et al., The ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field: Constraining the Molecular Content at log(M<SUB>*</SUB>/M<SUB>⊙</SUB>) ˜ 9.5 with CO Stacking of MUSE-detected z ˜ 1.5 Galaxies, \apj 902, 113…902..113I
82 Iodice, E., Cantiello, M., Hilker, M., et al., The first detection of ultra-diffuse galaxies in the Hydra I cluster from the VEGAS survey, \aap 642, A48…642A..48I
83 Iodice, E., Spavone, M., Cattapan, A., et al., VEGAS: a VST Early-type GAlaxy Survey. V. IC 1459 group: Mass assembly history in low-density environments, \aap 635, A3…635A…3I
84 Jenkins, J. S., Díaz, M. R., Kurtovic, N. T., et al., An ultrahot Neptune in the Neptune desert, Nature Astronomy 4, 1148…4.1148J
85 Jenkins, J. S., Díaz, M. R., Kurtovic, N. T., et al., Author Correction: An ultrahot Neptune in the Neptune desert, Nature Astronomy 4, 1202…4.1202J
86 Jimenez-Gallardo, A., Massaro, F., Prieto, M. A., et al., Completing the 3CR Chandra Snapshot Survey: Extragalactic Radio Sources at High Redshift, \apjs 250, 7….7J
87 Johnston, E. J., Puzia, T. H., D’Ago, G., et al., The Next Generation Fornax Survey (NGFS): VII. A MUSE view of the nuclear star clusters in Fornax dwarf galaxies, \mnras 495, 2247
88 Jordán, A., Brahm, R., Espinoza, N., et al., TOI-677b: A Warm Jupiter (P = 11.2 days) on an Eccentric Orbit Transiting a Late F-type Star, \aj 159, 145….159..145J
89 Jun, H. D., Assef, R. J., Bauer, F. E., et al., Spectral Classification and Ionized Gas Outflows in z ∼ 2 WISE-selected Hot Dust-obscured Galaxies, \apj 888, 110…888..110J
90 Khostovan, A. A., Malhotra, S., Rhoads, J. E., et al., A large, deep 3 deg<SUP>2</SUP> survey of Hα, [OIII], and [OII] emitters from LAGER: constraining luminosity functions, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #235 235, 322.06…23532206K
91 Khostovan, A. A., Malhotra, S., Rhoads, J. E., et al., A large, deep 3 deg<SUP>2</SUP> survey of H α, [O III], and [O II] emitters from LAGER: constraining luminosity functions, \mnras 493, 3966
92 Kirkpatrick, A., Urry, C. M., Brewster, J., et al., The Accretion History of AGN: A Newly Defined Population of Cold Quasars, \apj 900, 5…900….5K
93 Kluska, J., Berger, J.-P., Malbet, F., et al., A family portrait of disk inner rims around Herbig Ae/Be stars. Hunting for warps, rings, self shadowing, and misalignments in the inner astronomical units, \aap 636, A116…636A.116K
94 Kulier, A., Galaz, G., Padilla, N. D., et al., Massive low-surface-brightness galaxies in the EAGLE simulation, \mnras 496, 3996
95 Lagos, F., Schreiber, M. R., Parsons, S. G., et al., The White Dwarf Binary Pathways Survey -III. Contamination from hierarchical triples containing a white dwarf, \mnras 494, 915
96 Lagos, F., Schreiber, M. R., Parsons, S. G., et al., Erratum: The White Dwarf Binary Pathways Survey – III. Contamination from hierarchical triples containing a white dwarf, \mnras 498, 2662
97 Lalounta, E., Papageorgiou, A., Christopoulou, P. E., et al., An investigation of low-mass-ratio EW systems from the Catalina Sky Survey, Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnate Pleso 50, 409
98 Lambrides, E. L., Chiaberge, M., Heckman, T., et al., A Large Population of Obscured AGN in Disguise as Low-luminosity AGN in Chandra Deep Field South, \apj 897, 160…897..160L
99 Lamperti, I., Saintonge, A., Koss, M., et al., The CO(3-2)/CO(1-0) Luminosity Line Ratio in Nearby Star-forming Galaxies and Active Galactic Nuclei from xCOLD GASS, BASS, and SLUGS, \apj 889, 103…889..103L
100 Lendl, M., Bouchy, F., Gill, S., et al., TOI-222: a single-transit TESS candidate revealed to be a 34-d eclipsing binary with CORALIE, EulerCam, and NGTS, \mnras 492, 1761
101 Li, J., Xue, Y., Sun, M., et al., Piercing through Highly Obscured and Compton-thick AGNs in the Chandra Deep Fields. II. Are Highly Obscured AGNs the Missing Link in the Merger-triggered AGN-Galaxy Coevolution Models?, \apj 903, 49…903…49L
102 Lian, J., Thomas, D., Maraston, C., et al., The age-chemical abundance structure of the Galactic disc – II. α-dichotomy and thick disc formation, \mnras 497, 2371
103 Lian, J., Zasowski, G., Hasselquist, S., et al., The Milky Way’s bulge star formation history as constrained from its bimodal chemical abundance distribution, \mnras 497, 3557
104 Lim, S., Côté, P., Peng, E. W., et al., The Next Generation Virgo Cluster Survey (NGVS). XXX. Ultra-diffuse Galaxies and Their Globular Cluster Systems, \apj 899, 69…899…69L
105 Liu, C., Côté, P., Peng, E. W., et al., The Next Generation Virgo Cluster Survey. XXXIV. Ultracompact Dwarf Galaxies in the Virgo Cluster, \apjs 250, 17…17L
106 Liu, D., Deng, W., Fan, Z., et al., Variability and transient search in the SUDARE-VOICE field: a new method to extract the light curves, \mnras 493, 3825
107 Liu, T., Koss, M., Blecha, L., et al., The BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey. XVIII. Searching for Supermassive Black Hole Binaries in X-Rays, \apj 896, 122…896..122L
108 Longeard, N., Martin, N., Starkenburg, E., et al., The Pristine Dwarf-Galaxy survey – II. In-depth observational study of the faint Milky Way satellite Sagittarius II, \mnras 491, 356
109 Lopez, S., Tejos, N., Barrientos, L. F., et al., Slicing the cool circumgalactic medium along the major axis of a star-forming galaxy at z = 0.7, \mnras 491, 4442
110 Lucas, P. W., Minniti, D., Kamble, A., et al., VVV-WIT-01: highly obscured classical nova or protostellar collision?, \mnras 492, 4847
111 Madhavacheril, M. S., Sifón, C., Battaglia, N., et al., The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Weighing Distant Clusters with the Most Ancient Light, \apjl 903, L13…903L..13M
112 Madhavacheril, M. S., Hill, J. C., Næss, S., et al., Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Component-separated maps of CMB temperature and the thermal Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect, \prd 102, 023534
113 Magnelli, B., Boogaard, L., Decarli, R., et al., The ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the HUDF: The Cosmic Dust and Gas Mass Densities in Galaxies up to z ∼ 3, \apj 892, 66…892…66M
114 Maiolino, R., Cirasuolo, M., Afonso, J., et al., MOONRISE: The Main MOONS GTO Extragalactic Survey, The Messenger 180, 24…24M
115 Mancini, L., Sarkis, P., Henning, T., et al., The highly inflated giant planet WASP-174b, \aap 633, A30…633A..30M
116 Marasco, A., Cresci, G., Nardini, E., et al., Galaxy-scale ionised winds driven by ultra-fast outflows in two nearby quasars, \aap 644, A15…644A..15M
117 McCully, C., Hiramatsu, D., Burke, J., et al., Transient Classification Report for 2020-02-14, Transient Name Server Classification Report 2020-498, 1….1M
118 Mele, L., Ade, P., Alberro, J. G., et al., The QUBIC instrument for CMB polarization measurements, Journal of Physics Conference Series 1548, 012016
119 Millon, M., Courbin, F., Bonvin, V., et al., TDCOSMO. II. Six new time delays in lensed quasars from high-cadence monitoring at the MPIA 2.2 m telescope, \aap 642, A193…642A.193M
120 Minniti, J. H., Sbordone, L., Rojas-Arriagada, A., et al., Using classical Cepheids to study the far side of the Milky Way disk. I. Spectroscopic classification and the metallicity gradient, \aap 640, A92…640A..92M
121 Miyazaki, S., Sumi, T., Bennett, D. P., et al., OGLE-2013-BLG-0911Lb: A Secondary on the Brown-dwarf Planet Boundary around an M Dwarf, \aj 159, 76….159…76M
122 Modjaz, M., Bianco, F. B., Siwek, M., et al., Host Galaxies of Type Ic and Broad-lined Type Ic Supernovae from the Palomar Transient Factory: Implications for Jet Production, \apj 892, 153…892..153M
123 Montero-Dorta, A. D., Artale, M. C., Abramo, L. R., et al., The manifestation of secondary bias on the galaxy population from IllustrisTNG300, \mnras 496, 1182
124 Montesinos, M., Garrido-Deutelmoser, J., Olofsson, J., et al., Dust trapping around Lagrangian points in protoplanetary disks, \aap 642, A224…642A.224M
125 Morgan, R., Soares-Santos, M., Annis, J., et al., Constraints on the Physical Properties of GW190814 through Simulations Based on DECam Follow-up Observations by the Dark Energy Survey, \apj 901, 83…901…83M
126 Muñoz, D. J., & Petrovich, C., Kozai Migration Naturally Explains the White Dwarf Planet WD1856 b, \apjl 904, L3…904L…3M
127 Ménard, F., Cuello, N., Ginski, C., et al., Ongoing flyby in the young multiple system UX Tauri, \aap 639, L1…639L…1M
128 Naess, S., Aiola, S., Austermann, J. E., et al., The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: arcminute-resolution maps of 18 000 square degrees of the microwave sky from ACT 2008–2018 data combined with Planck, \jcap 2020, 046…12..046N
129 Namikawa, T., Guan, Y., Darwish, O., et al., Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Constraints on cosmic birefringence, \prd 101, 083527
130 Nanni, R., Gilli, R., Vignali, C., et al., The deep Chandra survey in the SDSS J1030+0524 field, \aap 637, A52…637A..52N
131 Napolitano, N. R., Li, R., Spiniello, C., et al., Discovery of Two Einstein Crosses from Massive Post-blue Nugget Galaxies at z > 1 in KiDS, \apjl 904, L31…904L..31N
132 Napolitano, N. R., D’Ago, G., Tortora, C., et al., Central velocity dispersion catalogue of LAMOST-DR7 galaxies, \mnras 498, 5704
133 Navarro, M. G., Minniti, D., Pullen, J., et al., VVV Survey Microlensing: The Galactic Latitude Dependence, \apj 889, 56…889…56N
134 Navarro, M. G., Contreras Ramos, R., Minniti, D., et al., VVV Survey Microlensing: Catalog of Best and Forsaken Events, \apj 893, 65…893…65N
135 Navarro, M. G., Minniti, D., & Contreras Ramos, R., VVV Survey Microlensing: Candidate Events with a Source in the Far Disk, \apj 902, 35…902…35N
136 Navarro, M. G., Minniti, D., & Contreras Ramos, R., VVV Microlensing events in the far side of the Milky Way, Galactic Dynamics in the Era of Large Surveys 353, 35…35N
137 Nealon, R., Cuello, N., & Alexander, R., Flyby-induced misalignments in planet-hosting discs, \mnras 491, 4108
138 Nelson, B. E., Ford, E. B., Buchner, J., et al., Quantifying the Bayesian Evidence for a Planet in Radial Velocity Data, \aj 159, 73….159…73N
139 Ni, Q., Brandt, W. N., Yi, W., et al., An Extreme X-Ray Variability Event of a Weak-line Quasar, \apjl 889, L37…889L..37N
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61 Espinoza, N., Hartman, J. D., Bakos, G. Á., et al., HATS-54b-HATS-58Ab: Five New Transiting Hot Jupiters Including One with a Possible Temperate Companion, The Astronomical Journal 158, 63….158…63E
62 Espinoza, N., Brahm, R., Jordán, A., et al., The case for transiting warm giant exoplanets: from TESS discoveries to atmospheric characterization with JWST, AAS/Division for Extreme Solar Systems Abstracts 51, 302.12…..430212E
63 Espinoza, N., Rackham, B. V., Jordán, A., et al., ACCESS: a featureless optical transmission spectrum for WASP-19b from Magellan/IMACS, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 482, 2065
64 Espinoza, N., Kossakowski, D., & Brahm, R., juliet: a versatile modelling tool for transiting and non-transiting exoplanetary systems, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490, 2262
65 Fabrizio, M., Bono, G., Braga, V. F., et al., On the Use of Field RR Lyrae as Galactic Probes. I. The Oosterhoff Dichotomy Based on Fundamental Variables, The Astrophysical Journal 882, 169…882..169F
66 Faramaz, V., Krist, J., Stapelfeldt, K. R., et al., From Scattered-light to Millimeter Emission: A Comprehensive View of the Gigayear-old System of HD 202628 and its Eccentric Debris Ring, The Astronomical Journal 158, 162….158..162F
67 Feng, F., Anglada-Escudé, G., Tuomi, M., et al., Detection of the nearest Jupiter analogue in radial velocity and astrometry data, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490, 5002
68 Fernández-Trincado, J. G., Zamora, O., Souto, D., et al., H-band discovery of additional second-generation stars in the Galactic bulge globular cluster NGC 6522 as observed by APOGEE and Gaia, Astronomy and Astrophysics 627, A178…627A.178F
69 Ferreira, T., Saito, R. K., Minniti, D., et al., The asymptotic evolution of the stellar merger V1309 Sco: a Blue Straggler in the making?, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 486, 1220
70 Feuillet, D. K., Frankel, N., Lind, K., et al., Spatial variations in the Milky Way disc metallicity-age relation, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 489, 1742
71 Fischer, T. C., Rigby, J. R., Mahler, G., et al., Spatially Resolved Outflows in a Seyfert Galaxy at z = 2.39, The Astrophysical Journal 875, 102…875..102F
72 Fontecilla, C., Haiman, Z., & Cuadra, J., Non-steady-state long-term evolution of supermassive black hole binaries surrounded by accretion discs, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 482, 4383
73 Fuentes, J. R., Espinoza, C. M., & Reisenegger, A., Glitch time series and size distributions in eight prolific pulsars, Astronomy and Astrophysics 630, A115…630A.115F
74 García-Aspeitia, M. A., Martínez-Robles, C., Hernández-Almada, A., et al., Cosmic acceleration in unimodular gravity, Physical Review D 99, 123525
75 García-Vergara, C., Hennawi, J. F., Barrientos, L. F., et al., Clustering of Lyα Emitters around Quasars at z ˜ 4, The Astrophysical Journal 886, 79…886…79G
76 Gilli, R., Mignoli, M., Peca, A., et al., Discovery of a galaxy overdensity around a powerful, heavily obscured FRII radio galaxy at z = 1.7: star formation promoted by large-scale AGN feedback?, Astronomy and Astrophysics 632, A26…632A..26G
77 Giuppone, C. A., & Cuello, N., Parametric study of polar configurations around binaries, Journal of Physics Conference Series 1365, 012023
78 González-Caniulef, D., Guillot, S., & Reisenegger, A., Neutron star radius measurement from the ultraviolet and soft X-ray thermal emission of PSR J0437-4715, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490, 5848
79 González-López, J., Decarli, R., Pavesi, R., et al., The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array Spectroscopic Survey in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field: CO Emission Lines and 3 mm Continuum Sources, The Astrophysical Journal 882, 139…882..139G
80 González-Lópezlira, R. A., Mayya, Y. D., Loinard, L., et al., Spectroscopy of NGC 4258 Globular Cluster Candidates: Membership Confirmation and Kinematics, The Astrophysical Journal 876, 39…876…39G
81 Guilera, O. M., Cuello, N., Montesinos, M., et al., Thermal torque effects on the migration of growing low-mass planets, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 486, 5690
82 Guillot, S., Pavlov, G. G., Reyes, C., et al., Hubble Space Telescope Nondetection of PSR J2144-3933: The Coldest Known Neutron Star, The Astrophysical Journal 874, 175…874..175G
83 Guzman, V., Complex Molecules in Protoplanetary Disks, From Stars to Planets II – Connecting our understanding of star and planet formation 4…4G
84 Haiman, Z., Brandt, W. N., Vikhlinin, A., et al., Electromagnetic Window into the Dawn of Black Holes, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 51, 557…51c.557H
85 Hall, K. R., Zakamska, N. L., Addison, G. E., et al., Quantifying the thermal Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect and excess millimetre emission in quasar environments, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490, 2315
86 Harmanec, P., Švanda, M., Korčáková, D., et al., A New Look into Putative Duplicity and Pulsations of the Be Star β CMi, The Astrophysical Journal 875, 13…875…13H
87 Hartman, J. D., Bakos, G. Á., Bayliss, D., et al., HATS-60b-HATS-69b: 10 Transiting Planets from HATSouth, The Astronomical Journal 157, 55….157…55H
88 Hasselquist, S., Nidever, D., Hayes, C. R., et al., APOGEE Chemical Abundances of the Large Magellanic Cloud, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #233 233, 316.01…23331601H
89 Hasselquist, S., Carlin, J. L., Holtzman, J. A., et al., Identifying Sagittarius Stream Stars by Their APOGEE Chemical Abundance Signatures, The Astrophysical Journal 872, 58…872…58H
90 Herrero-Illana, R., Privon, G. C., Evans, A. S., et al., Molecular gas and dust properties of galaxies from the Great Observatories All-sky LIRG Survey, Astronomy and Astrophysics 628, A71…628A..71H
91 Hełminiak, K. G., Tokovinin, A., Niemczura, E., et al., Orbital and physical parameters of eclipsing binaries from the All-Sky Automated Survey catalogue. X. Three high-contrast systems with secondaries detected with IR spectroscopy, Astronomy and Astrophysics 622, A114…622A.114H
92 Hu, W., Wang, J., Zheng, Z.-Y., et al., The Lyα Luminosity Function and Cosmic Reionization at z ˜ 7.0: A Tale of Two LAGER Fields, The Astrophysical Journal 886, 90…886…90H
93 Huber, D., Chaplin, W. J., Chontos, A., et al., A Hot Saturn Orbiting an Oscillating Late Subgiant Discovered by TESS, The Astronomical Journal 157, 245….157..245H
94 Hunt, L. K., De Looze, I., Boquien, M., et al., Comprehensive comparison of models for spectral energy distributions from 0.1 μm to 1 mm of nearby star-forming galaxies, Astronomy and Astrophysics 621, A51…621A..51H
95 Jha, S., Bianco, F., Brandt, W. N., et al., Next Generation LSST Science, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 51, 268…51g.268J
96 Jiménez, E., Contreras, S., Padilla, N., et al., Extensions to the halo occupation distribution model for more accurate clustering predictions, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490, 3532
97 Johnston, E. J., Eigenthaler, P., Puzia, T. H., et al., The Next Generation Fornax Survey (NGFS). V. Discovery of a Dwarf-Dwarf Galaxy Pair at z = 0.30 and Its Characterization Using Deep VLT/MUSE Observations, The Astrophysical Journal 873, 59…873…59J
98 Jones, M. I., Brahm, R., Espinoza, N., et al., HD 2685 b: a hot Jupiter orbiting an early F-type star detected by TESS, Astronomy and Astrophysics 625, A16…625A..16J
99 Jordán, A., Brahm, R., Espinoza, N., et al., K2-287 b: An Eccentric Warm Saturn Transiting a G-dwarf, The Astronomical Journal 157, 100….157..100J
100 Kains, N., Calamida, A., Rejkuba, M., et al., New variable stars towards the Galactic Bulge – I. The bright regime, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 482, 3058
101 Kann, D. A., Schady, P., Olivares E., F., et al., Highly luminous supernovae associated with gamma-ray bursts. I. GRB 111209A/SN 2011kl in the context of stripped-envelope and superluminous supernovae, Astronomy and Astrophysics 624, A143…624A.143K
102 Klose, S., Schmidl, S., Kann, D. A., et al., Four GRB supernovae at redshifts between 0.4 and 0.8. The bursts GRB 071112C, 111228A, 120714B, and 130831A, Astronomy and Astrophysics 622, A138…622A.138K
103 Knowles, K., Baker, A. J., Bond, J. R., et al., GMRT 610 MHz observations of galaxy clusters in the ACT equatorial sample, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 486, 1332
104 Koliopanos, F., Vasilopoulos, G., Buchner, J., et al., Investigating ULX accretion flows and cyclotron resonance in NGC 300 ULX1, Astronomy and Astrophysics 621, A118…621A.118K
105 Kollmeier, J., Anderson, S. F., Blanc, G. A., et al., SDSS-V Pioneering Panoptic Spectroscopy, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 51, 274…51g.274K
106 Koss, M., Blecha, L., Mushotzky, R., et al., A Population of Luminous AGN with Hidden Galaxy Mergers, AAS/High Energy Astrophysics Division 17, 106.52…1710652K
107 Kossakowski, D., Espinoza, N., Brahm, R., et al., TOI-150b and TOI-163b: two transiting hot Jupiters, one eccentric and one inflated, revealed by TESS near and at the edge of the JWST CVZ, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490, 1094
108 Kovtyukh, V., Lemasle, B., Kniazev, A., et al., The MAGIC project – II. Discovery of two new Galactic lithium-rich Cepheids, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 488, 3211
109 Kulier, A., Padilla, N., Schaye, J., et al., The evolution of the baryon fraction in haloes as a cause of scatter in the galaxy stellar mass in the EAGLE simulation, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 482, 3261
110 Lachaume, R., Rabus, M., Jordán, A., et al., Towards reliable uncertainties in IR interferometry: the bootstrap for correlated statistical and systematic errors, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484, 2656
111 Lagattuta, D. J., Richard, J., Bauer, F. E., et al., Probing 3D structure with a large MUSE mosaic: extending the mass model of Frontier Field Abell 370, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 485, 3738
112 Lagrange, A.-M., Meunier, N., Rubini, P., et al., Evidence for an additional planet in the β Pictoris system, Nature Astronomy 3, 1135…3.1135L
113 Lanz, L., Hickox, R., Balokovic, M., et al., Exploring AGN Structure with Reflection and Reprocessing in Swift/BAT AGN, AAS/High Energy Astrophysics Division 17, 106.42…1710642L
114 Laporte, N., Katz, H., Ellis, R. S., et al., The absence of [C II] 158 μm emission in spectroscopically confirmed galaxies at z > 8, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 487, L81
115 Lee, A., Abitbol, M. H., Adachi, S., et al., The Simons Observatory, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 51, 147…51g.147L
116 Li, J., Xue, Y., Sun, M., et al., Piercing through Highly Obscured and Compton-thick AGNs in the Chandra Deep Fields. I. X-Ray Spectral and Long-term Variability Analyses, The Astrophysical Journal 877, 5…877….5L
117 Lian, J., Thomas, D., Li, C., et al., SDSS-IV MaNGA: environmental dependence of gas metallicity gradients in local star-forming galaxies, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 489, 1436
118 Lin, L., Hsieh, B.-C., Pan, H.-A., et al., SDSS-IV MaNGA: Inside-out versus Outside-in Quenching of Galaxies in Different Local Environments, The Astrophysical Journal 872, 50…872…50L
119 Liu, Y., Peng, E. W., Jordán, A., et al., The ACS Fornax Cluster Survey. III. Globular Cluster Specific Frequencies of Early-type Galaxies, The Astrophysical Journal 875, 156…875..156L
120 Longeard, N., Martin, N., Ibata, R. A., et al., Detailed study of the Milky Way globular cluster Laevens 3, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490, 1498
121 Lyra, W., Haworth, T., Bitsch, B., et al., Planet formation — The case for large efforts on the computational side, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 51, 129…51c.129L
122 Mallonn, M., von Essen, C., Herrero, E., et al., Ephemeris refinement of 21 hot Jupiter exoplanets with high timing uncertainties, Astronomy and Astrophysics 622, A81…622A..81M
123 Mancini, L., Southworth, J., Mollière, P., et al., Physical properties and transmission spectrum of the WASP-74 planetary system from multiband photometry, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 485, 5168
124 Marchi-Lasch, S., Muñoz, R. R., Santana, F. A., et al., A MegaCam Survey of Outer Halo Satellites. VII. A Single Sérsic Index versus Effective Radius Relation for Milky Way Outer Halo Satellites, The Astrophysical Journal 874, 29…874…29M
125 Martínez-Delgado, D., Katherina Vivas, A., Grebel, E. K., et al., Nature of a shell of young stars in the outskirts of the Small Magellanic Cloud, Astronomy and Astrophysics 631, A98…631A..98M
126 Matteucci, F., Grisoni, V., Spitoni, E., et al., The origin of stellar populations in the Galactic bulge from chemical abundances, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 487, 5363
127 McGruder, C., Lopez-Morales, M., Apai, D., et al., ACCESS: the Arizona-CfA-Catolica-Carnegie Exoplanet Spectroscopy Survey, AAS/Division for Extreme Solar Systems Abstracts 51, 326.22…..432622M
128 Medling, A. M., Privon, G. C., Barcos-Muñoz, L., et al., How to Fuel an AGN: Mapping Circumnuclear Gas in NGC 6240 with ALMA, The Astrophysical Journal 885, L21…885L..21M
129 Meza, N., Prieto, J. L., Clocchiatti, A., et al., The extraplanar type II supernova ASASSN-14jb in the nearby edge-on galaxy ESO 467-G051, Astronomy and Astrophysics 629, A57…629A..57M
130 Miller, B. W., Puzia, T., Monty, S., et al., The GeMS/GSAOI Galactic Globular Cluster Survey (G4CS), American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #233 233, 250.07…23325007M
131 Miyatake, H., Battaglia, N., Hilton, M., et al., Weak-lensing Mass Calibration of ACTPol Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Clusters with the Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey, The Astrophysical Journal 875, 63…875…63M
132 Molina, C. N., Borissova, J., Catelan, M., et al., Long-term stellar variability in the Galactic Centre region, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 482, 5567
133 Molina, J., Ibar, E., Villanueva, V., et al., VALES V: a kinematic analysis of the molecular gas content in H-ATLAS galaxies at z ∼ 0.03-0.35 using ALMA, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 482, 1499
134 Montenegro, K., Minniti, D., Alonso-García, J., et al., VVV Survey of Blue Horizontal Branch Stars in the Bulge-Halo Transition Region of the Milky Way, The Astrophysical Journal 872, 206…872..206M
135 Mora, M. D., Puzia, T. H., & Chanamé, J., On collision course: The nature of the binary star cluster NGC2006/SL 538, Astronomy and Astrophysics 622, A65…622A..65M
136 Mora, M. D., Torres-Flores, S., Firpo, V., et al., Clues on Arp 142: The spiral-elliptical merger, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 488, 830
137 Muñoz Arancibia, A. M., González-López, J., Ibar, E., et al., The ALMA Frontier Fields Survey. IV. Lensing-corrected 1.1 mm number counts in Abell 2744, MACS J0416.1-2403, and MACS J1149.5+2223 (Corrigendum), Astronomy and Astrophysics 631, C2…631C…2M
138 Nagakane, M., Lee, C.-H., Koshimoto, N., et al., OGLE-2015-BLG-1649Lb: A Gas Giant Planet around a Low-mass Dwarf, The Astronomical Journal 158, 212….158..212N
139 Namikawa, T., Chinone, Y., Miyatake, H., et al., Evidence for the Cross-correlation between Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization Lensing from Polarbear and Cosmic Shear from Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam, The Astrophysical Journal 882, 62…882…62N
140 Navarrete, C., Belokurov, V., Catelan, M., et al., Stellar streams around the Magellanic Clouds in 4D, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 483, 4160
141 Ni, Q., Yang, G., Brandt, W. N., et al., Does black hole growth depend fundamentally on host-galaxy compactness?, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490, 1135
142 Origlia, L., Mucciarelli, A., Fiorentino, G., et al., Variable Stars in Terzan 5: Additional Evidence of Multi-age and Multi-iron Stellar Populations, The Astrophysical Journal 871, 114…871..114O
143 Padilla, N., Contreras, S., Zehavi, I., et al., The effect of assembly bias on redshift-space distortions, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 486, 582
144 Paillas, E., Cautun, M., Li, B., et al., The Santiago-Harvard-Edinburgh-Durham void comparison II: unveiling the Vainshtein screening using weak lensing, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484, 1149
145 Pallero, D., Gómez, F. A., Padilla, N. D., et al., Tracing the quenching history of cluster galaxies in the EAGLE simulation, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 488, 847
146 Papageorgiou, A., Catelan, M., Christopoulou, P.-E., et al., Physical Parameters of Northern Eclipsing Binaries in the Catalina Sky Survey, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 242, 6….6P
147 Peña-Herazo, H. A., Massaro, F., Chavushyan, V., et al., Optical spectroscopic observations of gamma-ray blazar candidates. IX. Optical archival spectra and further observations from SOAR and OAGH, Astrophysics and Space Science 364, 85…85P
148 Piatti, A. E., & Carballo-Bello, J. A., Extra-tidal structures around the Gaia Sausage candidate globular cluster NGC 6779 (M56), Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 485, 1029
149 Pierce, J. C. S., Tadhunter, C. N., Ramos Almeida, C., et al., Do AGN triggering mechanisms vary with radio power? – I. Optical morphologies of radio-intermediate HERGs, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 487, 5490
150 Pieringer, C., Pichara, K., Catelán, M., et al., An Algorithm for the Visualization of Relevant Patterns in Astronomical Light Curves, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484, 3071
151 Placco, V. M., Santucci, R. M., Beers, T. C., et al., The R-Process Alliance: Spectroscopic Follow-up of Low-metallicity Star Candidates from the Best & Brightest Survey, The Astrophysical Journal 870, 122…870..122P
152 Poblete, P. P., Cuello, N., & Cuadra, J., Dusty clumps in circumbinary discs, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 489, 2204
153 Popping, G., Pillepich, A., Somerville, R. S., et al., The ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the HUDF: the Molecular Gas Content of Galaxies and Tensions with IllustrisTNG and the Santa Cruz SAM, The Astrophysical Journal 882, 137…882..137P
154 Principe, D., Cieza, L., Avenhaus, H., et al., Illuminating the Complex Environment of Outbursting Protostars with SPHERE Scattered Light Observations, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #233 233, 466.05…23346605P
155 Pritzl, B. J., Gehrman, T. C., Salinas, R., et al., Variable Stars in Sagittarius Globular Clusters. I. Arp 2, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 131, 054202
156 Prudil, Z., Dékány, I., Catelan, M., et al., On the Oosterhoff dichotomy in the Galactic bulge: I. Spatial distribution, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484, 4833
157 Prudil, Z., Dékány, I., Grebel, E. K., et al., On the Oosterhoff dichotomy in the Galactic bulge – II. Kinematical distribution, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 487, 3270
158 Quirola-Vásquez, J., Bauer, F. E., Dwarkadas, V. V., et al., The exceptional X-ray evolution of SN 1996cr in high resolution, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490, 4536
159 Rabus, M., Lachaume, R., Jordán, A., et al., A discontinuity in the T<SUB>eff</SUB>-radius relation of M-dwarfs, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484, 2674
160 Ramírez, I., Khanal, S., Lichon, S. J., et al., The chemical composition of HIP 34407/HIP 34426 and other twin-star comoving pairs, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490, 2448
161 Rendle, B. M., Miglio, A., Chiappini, C., et al., The K2 Galactic Caps Project – going beyond the Kepler field and ageing the Galactic disc, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490, 4465
162 Richardson, N., Hamaguchi, K., Russell, C., et al., Testing Radiative Braking with XMM and NuSTAR observations of the closest Colliding Wind Binary γ2 Velorum, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #233 233, 448.02…23344802R
163 Riguccini, L. A., Treister, E., Menéndez-Delmestre, K., et al., The Composite Nature of Dust-obscured Galaxies (DOGs) at z ∼ 2-3 in the COSMOS Field. II. The AGN Fraction, The Astronomical Journal 157, 233….157..233R
164 Rivera, J., Baker, A. J., Gallardo, P. A., et al., The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: CO(J = 3 – 2) Mapping and Lens Modeling of an ACT-selected Dusty Star-forming Galaxy, The Astrophysical Journal 879, 95…879…95R
165 Rivière-Marichalar, P., Fuente, A., Goicoechea, J. R., et al., Abundances of sulphur molecules in the Horsehead nebula. First NS<SUP>+</SUP> detection in a photodissociation region, Astronomy and Astrophysics 628, A16…628A..16R
166 Rodriguez, J. E., Quinn, S. N., Huang, C. X., et al., An Eccentric Massive Jupiter Orbiting a Subgiant on a 9.5-day Period Discovered in the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite Full Frame Images, The Astronomical Journal 157, 191….157..191R
167 Rodríguez, Ó., Pignata, G., Hamuy, M., et al., Type II supernovae as distance indicators at near-IR wavelengths, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 483, 5459
168 Rojas-Arriagada, A., Zoccali, M., Schultheis, M., et al., The bimodal [Mg/Fe] versus [Fe/H] bulge sequence as revealed by APOGEE DR14, Astronomy and Astrophysics 626, A16…626A..16R
169 Rong, Y., Puzia, T. H., Eigenthaler, P., et al., The Next Generation Fornax Survey (NGFS). VI. The Alignment of Dwarf Galaxies in the Fornax Cluster, The Astrophysical Journal 883, 56…883…56R
170 Rosolowsky, E., Schinnerer, E., Leroy, A., et al., Physics at High Angular resolution in Nearby Galaxies (PHANGS), American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #233 233, 450.01…23345001R
171 Rukdee, S., Vanzi, L., Schwab, C., et al., TARdYS: Design and prototype of an exoplanet hunter for TAO using a R6 Echelle grating, Experimental Astronomy 48, 145….48..145R
172 Russell, C. M. P., Sepulveda, M., Cuadra, J., et al., A hundred stellar winds, some X-rays, and Sgr A* walk into VR…, AAS/High Energy Astrophysics Division 17, 112.86…1711286R
173 Sahu, S., Subramaniam, A., Simunovic, M., et al., Detection of a White Dwarf Companion to a Blue Straggler Star in the Outskirts of Globular Cluster NGC 5466 with the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UVIT), The Astrophysical Journal 876, 34…876…34S
174 Saito, R. K., Minniti, D., Ivanov, V. D., et al., VVV-WIT-07: another Boyajian’s star or a Mamajek’s object?, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 482, 5000
175 Saito, R. K., Minniti, D., Ivanov, V. D., et al., VVV-WIT-04: an extragalactic variable source caught by the VVV Survey, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490, 1171
176 Salinas, R., Vivas, A. K., & Contreras Ramos, R., New Variable Stars in NGC 6652 and Its Background Sagittarius Stream, The Astronomical Journal 157, 47….157…47S
177 San Sebastián, I. L., Guilera, O. M., & Parisi, M. G., Planetesimal fragmentation and giant planet formation. II. Dependencies with planetesimal relative velocities and compositions, Astronomy and Astrophysics 625, A138…625A.138S
178 Sandford, E., Espinoza, N., Brahm, R., et al., Estimation of singly transiting K2 planet periods with Gaia parallaxes, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 489, 3149
179 Sartori, L. F., Trakhtenbrot, B., Schawinski, K., et al., A Forward Modeling Approach to AGN Variability–Method Description and Early Applications, The Astrophysical Journal 883, 139…883..139S
180 Seccull, T., Fraser, W. C., Puzia, T. H., et al., 174P/Echeclus and Its Blue Coma Observed Post-outburst, The Astronomical Journal 157, 88….157…88S
181 Sexton, R. O., Canalizo, G., Hiner, K. D., et al., Stronger Constraints on the Evolution of the M <SUB>BH</SUB>-{\sigma }_{* } Relation up to z ∼ 0.6, The Astrophysical Journal 878, 101…878..101S
182 Shankar, F., Bernardi, M., Richardson, K., et al., Black hole scaling relations of active and quiescent galaxies: Addressing selection effects and constraining virial factors, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 485, 1278
183 Shin, T., Adhikari, S., Baxter, E. J., et al., Measurement of the splashback feature around SZ-selected Galaxy clusters with DES, SPT, and ACT, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 487, 2900
184 Shvartzvald, Y., Yee, J. C., Skowron, J., et al., Spitzer Microlensing Parallax for OGLE-2017-BLG-0896 Reveals a Counter-rotating Low-mass Brown Dwarf, The Astronomical Journal 157, 106….157..106S
185 Silva, B. K., Astronomy and History. What time could tell us on the astronomical facilities in Chile, The La Silla Observatory – From the Inauguration to the Future 22
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187 Soto, M., Barbá, R., Minniti, D., et al., A colour-excess extinction map of the southern Galactic disc from the VVV and GLIMPSE surveys, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 488, 2650
188 Southworth, J., Dominik, M., Jørgensen, U. G., et al., Transit timing variations in the WASP-4 planetary system, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490, 4230
189 Street, R. A., Bachelet, E., Tsapras, Y., et al., OGLE-2018-BLG-0022: A Nearby M-dwarf Binary, The Astronomical Journal 157, 215….157..215S
190 Suc, V., Ropert, S., Jordan, A., et al., Bringing Old Telescopes to a New Robotic Life, Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica Conference Series 51, 39…39S
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192 Sun, H., Li, Y., Zhang, B.-B., et al., A Unified Binary Neutron Star Merger Magnetar Model for the Chandra X-Ray Transients CDF-S XT1 and XT2, The Astrophysical Journal 886, 129…886..129S
193 Sun, W., Peng, E. W., Ko, Y., et al., The Next Generation Virgo Cluster Survey. XVII. A Search for Planetary Nebulae in Virgo Cluster Globular Clusters, The Astrophysical Journal 885, 145…885..145S
194 Surot, F., Valenti, E., Hidalgo, S. L., et al., Mapping the stellar age of the Milky Way bulge with the VVV. I. The method, Astronomy and Astrophysics 623, A168…623A.168S
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197 Sánchez-Janssen, R., Puzia, T. H., Ferrarese, L., et al., How nucleation and luminosity shape faint dwarf galaxies, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 486, L1…1S
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201 Takakura, S., Aguilar-Faúndez, M. A. O., Akiba, Y., et al., Measurements of Tropospheric Ice Clouds with a Ground-based CMB Polarization Experiment, POLARBEAR, The Astrophysical Journal 870, 102…870..102T
202 Taylor, M., Puzia, T., Eigenthaler, P., et al., Dwarf Galaxies, Globular Clusters, and Ultra-compact Dwarfs: Getting to know the outer halo of NGC5128, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #233 233, 339.01…23333901T
203 Timmes, F., Fryer, C., Timmes, F., et al., Catching Element Formation In The Act ; The Case for a New MeV Gamma-Ray Mission: Radionuclide Astronomy in the 2020s, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 51, 2…51c…2T
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205 Ucci, G., Ferrara, A., Gallerani, S., et al., The interstellar medium of dwarf galaxies: new insights from Machine Learning analysis of emission-line spectra, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 483, 1295
206 Uzgil, B. D., Carilli, C., Lidz, A., et al., The ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the HUDF: Constraining Cumulative CO Emission at 1 ≲ z ≲ 4 with Power Spectrum Analysis of ASPECS LP Data from 84 to 115 GHz, The Astrophysical Journal 887, 37…887…37U
207 Vasilopoulos, G., Koliopanos, F., Godet, O., et al., ULX spectra revisited: observational evidence of accreting envelopes around magnetized Neutron stars, AAS/High Energy Astrophysics Division 17, 112.96…1711296V
208 Vito, F., Brandt, W. N., Bauer, F. E., et al., Discovery of the first heavily obscured QSO candidate at z > 6 in a close galaxy pair, Astronomy and Astrophysics 628, L6…628L…6V
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210 Wang, S., Jones, M., Shporer, A., et al., HD 202772A b: A Transiting Hot Jupiter around a Bright, Mildly Evolved Star in a Visual Binary Discovered by TESS, The Astronomical Journal 157, 51….157…51W
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214 Williams, D., Balmaverde, B., Benbow, W., et al., The Cherenkov Telescope Array, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 51, 291…51g.291W
215 Xue, Y. Q., Zheng, X. C., Li, Y., et al., A magnetar-powered X-ray transient as the aftermath of a binary neutron-star merger, Nature 568, 198
216 Yang, G., Brandt, W. N., Alexander, D. M., et al., Evident black hole-bulge coevolution in the distant universe, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 485, 3721
217 Yang, G., Brandt, W. N., Zhu, S. F., et al., Searching for fast extragalactic X-ray transients in Chandra surveys, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 487, 4721
218 Yang, H., Infante, L., Rhoads, J. E., et al., Lyα Galaxies in the Epoch of Reionization (LAGER): Spectroscopic Confirmation of Two Redshift ∼7.0 Galaxies, The Astrophysical Journal 876, 123…876..123Y
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220 Zasowski, G., Schultheis, M., Hasselquist, S., et al., APOGEE DR14/DR15 Abundances in the Inner Milky Way, The Astrophysical Journal 870, 138…870..138Z
221 Zavala, J. A., Casey, C. M., Scoville, N., et al., On the Gas Content, Star Formation Efficiency, and Environmental Quenching of Massive Galaxies in Protoclusters at z ≈ 2.0-2.5, The Astrophysical Journal 887, 183…887..183Z
222 Zehavi, I., Kerby, S. E., Contreras, S., et al., On the Prospect of Using the Maximum Circular Velocity of Halos to Encapsulate Assembly Bias in the Galaxy-Halo Connection, The Astrophysical Journal 887, 17…887…17Z
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67 Eyheramendy, S., Elorrieta, F., & Palma, W., An irregular discrete time series model to identify residuals with autocorrelation in astronomical light curves, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 481, 4311,
68 Falstad, N., Aalto, S., Mangum, J. G., et al., Hidden molecular outflow in the LIRG Zw 049.057, Astronomy and Astrophysics 609, A75,…609A..75F
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79 Gilbank, D. G., Barrientos, L. F., Ellingson, E., et al., Spectroscopic characterization of galaxy clusters in RCS-1: spectroscopic confirmation, redshift accuracy, and dynamical mass-richness relation, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 476, 1991,
80 Giles, H. A. C., Bayliss, D., Espinoza, N., et al., K2-140b – an eccentric 6.57 d transiting hot Jupiter in Virgo, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 475, 1809,
81 Godoy-Rivera, D., & Chanamé, J., On the identification of wide binaries in the Kepler field, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 479, 4440,
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93 Han, C., Calchi Novati, S., Udalski, A., et al., OGLE-2017-BLG-0329L: A Microlensing Binary Characterized with Dramatically Enhanced Precision Using Data from Space-based Observations, The Astrophysical Journal 859, 82,…859…82H
94 Hashimoto, T., Laporte, N., Mawatari, K., et al., The onset of star formation 250 million years after the Big Bang, Nature 557, 392,
95 Hasselquist, S., Holtzman, J., Tayar, J., et al., APOGEE [C/N] Abundances Across the Milky Way, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #231 231, 411.02,…23141102H
96 Hayes, C. R., Majewski, S. R., Shetrone, M., et al., Disentangling the Galactic Halo with APOGEE. I. Chemical and Kinematical Investigation of Distinct Metal-poor Populations, The Astrophysical Journal 852, 49,…852…49H
97 Hayes, C. R., Majewski, S. R., Hasselquist, S., et al., Disk-like Chemistry of the Triangulum-Andromeda Overdensity as Seen by APOGEE, The Astrophysical Journal 859, L8,…859L…8H
98 Henning, T., Mancini, L., Sarkis, P., et al., HATS-50b through HATS-53b: Four Transiting Hot Jupiters Orbiting G-type Stars Discovered by the HATSouth Survey, The Astronomical Journal 155, 79,….155…79H
99 Hełminiak, K. G., Jordán, A., Espinoza, N., et al., Absolute Properties of the Detached Eclipsing Binary EPIC 202674012 (HD 149946), Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society 2, 226,…2..226H
100 Hilton, M., Hasselfield, M., Sifón, C., et al., The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: The Two-season ACTPol Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect Selected Cluster Catalog, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 235, 20,…20H
101 Hindson, L., Kitchener, G., Brinks, E., et al., A Radio Continuum Study of Dwarf Galaxies: 6 cm Imaging of LITTLE THINGS, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 234, 29,…29H
102 Howk, J. C., Rueff, K. M., Lehner, N., et al., Extraplanar H II Regions in Spiral Galaxies. I. Low-metallicity Gas Accreting through the Disk-halo Interface of NGC 4013, The Astrophysical Journal 856, 166,…856..166H
103 Howk, J. C., Rueff, K. M., Lehner, N., et al., Extraplanar H II Regions in Spiral Galaxies. II. In Situ Star Formation in the Interstellar Thick Disk of NGC 4013, The Astrophysical Journal 856, 167,…856..167H
104 Huang, J., Andrews, S. M., Dullemond, C. P., et al., The Disk Substructures at High Angular Resolution Project (DSHARP). II. Characteristics of Annular Substructures, The Astrophysical Journal 869, L42,…869L..42H
105 Huang, J., Andrews, S. M., Pérez, L. M., et al., The Disk Substructures at High Angular Resolution Project (DSHARP). III. Spiral Structures in the Millimeter Continuum of the Elias 27, IM Lup, and WaOph 6 Disks, The Astrophysical Journal 869, L43,…869L..43H
106 Hunt, J. A. S., Bovy, J., Pérez-Villegas, A., et al., The Hercules stream as seen by APOGEE-2 South, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 474, 95,…95H
107 Hunter, D. A., Gallardo, S., Zhang, H.-X., et al., A Study of Two Dwarf Irregular Galaxies with Asymmetrical Star Formation Distributions, The Astrophysical Journal 855, 7,…855….7H
108 Inserra, C., Smartt, S. J., Gall, E. E. E., et al., On the nature of hydrogen-rich superluminous supernovae, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 475, 1046,
109 Isella, A., Huang, J., Andrews, S. M., et al., The Disk Substructures at High Angular Resolution Project (DSHARP). IX. A High-definition Study of the HD 163296 Planet-forming Disk, The Astrophysical Journal 869, L49,…869L..49I
110 Izzo, L., Molaro, P., Bonifacio, P., et al., Beryllium detection in the very fast nova ASASSN-16kt (V407 Lupi), Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 478, 1601,
111 Jethwa, P., Torrealba, G., Navarrete, C., et al., Discovery of a thin stellar stream in the SLAMS survey, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 480, 5342,
112 Jiang, L., Wu, J., Bian, F., et al., A giant protocluster of galaxies at redshift 5.7, Nature Astronomy 2, 962,…2..962J
113 Jiménez-Teja, Y., Dupke, R., Benítez, N., et al., Unveiling the Dynamical State of Massive Clusters through the ICL Fraction, The Astrophysical Journal 857, 79,…857…79J
114 Johnson, K. E., Brogan, C. L., Indebetouw, R., et al., The Association of Molecular Gas and Natal Super Star Clusters in Henize 2-10, The Astrophysical Journal 853, 125,…853..125J
115 Johnston, E. J., Hau, G. K. T., Coccato, L., et al., Mapping the Kinematically Decoupled Core in NGC 1407 with MUSE, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 480, 3215,
116 Johnston, E. J., Puzia, T. H., & Eigenthaler, P., The Serendipitous Detection of a Second Einstein Ring behind the Fornax Cluster, Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society 2, 235,…2..235J
117 Jones, M. I., Brahm, R., Espinoza, N., et al., A hot Saturn on an eccentric orbit around the giant star K2-132, Astronomy and Astrophysics 613, A76,…613A..76J
118 Jordán, A., & Espinoza, N., An Alternative Derivation of the Analytic Expression of Transmission Spectra, Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society 2, 149,…2..149J
119 Jurcsik, J., Hajdu, G., & Catelan, M., New Galactic Multi-Mode Cepheids from the ASAS-SN Survey, Acta Astronomica 68, 341,….68..341J
120 Jurcsik, J., Hajdu, G., Dékány, I., et al., Blazhko modulation in the infrared, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 475, 4208,
121 Jurcsik, J., Smitola, P., Hajdu, G., et al., Erratum: Photometric and radial-velocity time-series of RR Lyrae stars in M3: analysis of single-mode variables, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 481, 2778,
122 Kamenetzky, J., Privon, G. C., & Narayanan, D., Recovering the Physical Properties of Molecular Gas in Galaxies from CO SLED Modeling, The Astrophysical Journal 859, 9,…859….9K
123 Kann, D. A., Schady, P., Olivares, E. F., et al., The optical/NIR afterglow of GRB 111209A: Complex yet not unprecedented, Astronomy and Astrophysics 617, A122,…617A.122K
124 Keek, L., Arzoumanian, Z., Bult, P., et al., NICER Observes the Effects of an X-Ray Burst on the Accretion Environment in Aql X-1, The Astrophysical Journal 855, L4,…855L…4K
125 Kool, E. C., Ryder, S., Kankare, E., et al., First results from GeMS/GSAOI for project SUNBIRD: Supernovae UNmasked By Infra-Red Detection, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 473, 5641,
126 Koss, M. J., Blecha, L., Bernhard, P., et al., A population of luminous accreting black holes with hidden mergers, Nature 563, 214,
127 Krühler, T., Fraser, M., Leloudas, G., et al., The supermassive black hole coincident with the luminous transient ASASSN-15lh, Astronomy and Astrophysics 610, A14,…610A..14K
128 Kulier, A., Padilla, N., Schaye, J., et al., Examining the effect of galaxy evolution on the stellar-halo mass relation in the EAGLE simulation, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #231 231, 149.04,…23114904K
129 Kurtovic, N. T., Pérez, L. M., Benisty, M., et al., The Disk Substructures at High Angular Resolution Project (DSHARP). IV. Characterizing Substructures and Interactions in Disks around Multiple Star Systems, The Astrophysical Journal 869, L44,…869L..44K
130 Kusaka, A., Appel, J., Essinger-Hileman, T., et al., Results from the Atacama B-mode Search (ABS) experiment, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2018, 005,…09..005K
131 Lacerna, I., Argudo-Fernández, M., & Duarte Puertas, S., The less significant role of large-scale environment than optical AGN in nearby, isolated elliptical galaxies, Astronomy and Astrophysics 620, A117,…620A.117L
132 Lacerna, I., Contreras, S., González, R. E., et al., Galactic conformity measured in semi-analytic models, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 475, 1177,
133 Lagos, C. del P., Stevens, A. R. H., Bower, R. G., et al., Quantifying the impact of mergers on the angular momentum of simulated galaxies, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 473, 4956,
134 LaMassa, S., Glikman, E., Brusa, M., et al., Luminous Obscured AGN Unveiled in the Stripe 82 X-ray Survey, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #231 231, 304.01,…23130401L
135 Lemasle, B., Hajdu, G., Kovtyukh, V., et al., Milky Way metallicity gradient from Gaia DR2 F/1O double-mode Cepheids, Astronomy and Astrophysics 618, A160,…618A.160L
136 Libeskind, N. I., van de Weygaert, R., Cautun, M., et al., Tracing the cosmic web, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 473, 1195,
137 Lin, M.-Y., Davies, R. I., Hicks, E. K. S., et al., LLAMA: nuclear stellar properties of Swift-BAT AGN and matched inactive galaxies, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 473, 4582,
138 Longeard, N., Martin, N., Starkenburg, E., et al., Pristine dwarf galaxy survey – I. A detailed photometric and spectroscopic study of the very metal-poor Draco II satellite, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 480, 2609,
139 Longobardi, A., Peng, E. W., Côté, P., et al., The Next Generation Virgo Cluster Survey (NGVS). XXXI. The Kinematics of Intracluster Globular Clusters in the Core of the Virgo Cluster, The Astrophysical Journal 864, 36,…864…36L
140 Lopez, S., Tejos, N., Ledoux, C., et al., A clumpy and anisotropic galaxy halo at redshift 1 from gravitational-arc tomography, Nature 554, 493,
141 Lu, N., Cao, T., Díaz-Santos, T., et al., CO (7-6), [C I] 370 μm, and [N II] 205 μm Line Emission of the QSO BRI 1335-0417 at Redshift 4.407, The Astrophysical Journal 864, 38,…864…38L
142 Majaess, D., Dékány, I., Hajdu, G., et al., Establishing the Galactic Centre distance using VVV Bulge RR Lyrae variables, Astrophysics and Space Science 363, 127,
143 Mao, Y.-Y., Kovacs, E., Heitmann, K., et al., DESCQA: An Automated Validation Framework for Synthetic Sky Catalogs, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 234, 36,…36M
144 Martínez-Delgado, D., Grebel, E. K., Javanmardi, B., et al., Mirach’s Goblin: Discovery of a dwarf spheroidal galaxy behind the Andromeda galaxy, Astronomy and Astrophysics 620, A126,…620A.126M
145 Masini, A., Civano, F., Comastri, A., et al., The NuSTAR Extragalactic Surveys: Source Catalog and the Compton-thick Fraction in the UDS Field, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 235, 17,…17M
146 Maureira-Fredes, C., Goicovic, F. G., Amaro-Seoane, P., et al., Accretion of clumpy cold gas on to massive black hole binaries: the challenging formation of extended circumbinary structures, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 478, 1726,
147 McConnachie, A. W., Ibata, R., Martin, N., et al., The Large-scale Structure of the Halo of the Andromeda Galaxy. II. Hierarchical Structure in the Pan-Andromeda Archaeological Survey, The Astrophysical Journal 868, 55,…868…55M
148 McLure, R. J., Pentericci, L., Cimatti, A., et al., The VANDELS ESO public spectroscopic survey, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 479, 25,…25M
149 Medina, N., Borissova, J., Bayo, A., et al., An Automated Tool to Detect Variable Sources in the Vista Variables in the Vía Láctea Survey: The VVV Variables (V<SUP>4</SUP>) Catalog of Tiles d001 and d002, The Astrophysical Journal 864, 11,…864…11M
150 Minniti, D., Schlafly, E. F., Palma, T., et al., Confirmation of a New Metal-poor Globular Cluster in the Galactic Bulge, The Astrophysical Journal 866, 12,…866…12M
151 Montesinos, M., & Cuello, N., Planetary-like spirals caused by moving shadows in transition discs, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 475, L35,
152 Montesinos, M., & Cuello, N., Erratum: Planetary-like spirals caused by moving shadows in transition discs, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 476, L73,
153 Monty, S., Puzia, T. H., Miller, B. W., et al., The GeMS/GSAOI Galactic Globular Cluster Survey (G4CS). I. A Pilot Study of the Stellar Populations in NGC 2298 and NGC 3201, The Astrophysical Journal 865, 160,…865..160M
154 Mortazavi, S. A., Lotz, J. M., Barnes, J. E., et al., H I versus H α – comparing the kinematic tracers in modelling the initial conditions of the Mice, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 474, 3423,
155 Muñoz Arancibia, A. M., González-López, J., Ibar, E., et al., The ALMA Frontier Fields Survey. IV. Lensing-corrected 1.1 mm number counts in Abell 2744, MACS J0416.1-2403 and MACS J1149.5+2223, Astronomy and Astrophysics 620, A125,…620A.125M
156 Méndez-Abreu, J., Aguerri, J. A. L., Falcón-Barroso, J., et al., Morpho-kinematic properties of field S0 bulges in the CALIFA survey, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 474, 1307,
157 Müller-Sánchez, F., Nevin, R., Comerford, J. M., et al., Two separate outflows in the dual supermassive black hole system NGC 6240, Nature 556, 345,
158 Nandakumar, G., Schultheis, M., Feldmeier-Krause, A., et al., Near-infrared spectroscopic observations of massive young stellar object candidates in the central molecular zone, Astronomy and Astrophysics 609, A109,…609A.109N
159 Nandakumar, G., Schultheis, M., Hayden, M., et al., The effects of the selection function on metallicity trends in spectroscopic surveys of the Milky Way, Rediscovering Our Galaxy 334, 345,
160 Navarro, M. G., Minniti, D., & Contreras-Ramos, R., VVV Survey Microlensing: The Galactic Longitude Dependence, The Astrophysical Journal 865, L5,…865L…5N
161 Oda, S., Ueda, Y., Tanimoto, A., et al., Hard X-Ray View of HCG 16 (Arp 318), The Astrophysical Journal 855, 79,…855…79O
162 Oh, K., Koss, M., Markwardt, C. B., et al., The 105-Month Swift-BAT All-sky Hard X-Ray Survey, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 235, 4,….4O
163 Ordenes-Briceño, Y., Eigenthaler, P., Taylor, M. A., et al., The Next Generation Fornax Survey (NGFS). III. Revealing the Spatial Substructure of the Dwarf Galaxy Population Inside Half of Fornax’s Virial Radius, The Astrophysical Journal 859, 52,…859…52O
164 Ordenes-Briceño, Y., Puzia, T. H., Eigenthaler, P., et al., The Next Generation Fornax Survey (NGFS). IV. Mass and Age Bimodality of Nuclear Clusters in the Fornax Core Region, The Astrophysical Journal 860, 4,…860….4O
165 Pan, H.-A., Lin, L., Hsieh, B.-C., et al., SDSS IV MaNGA: Dependence of Global and Spatially Resolved SFR-M <SUB>∗</SUB> Relations on Galaxy Properties, The Astrophysical Journal 854, 159,…854..159P
166 Pantoja, B. M., Jenkins, J. S., Girard, J. H., et al., SAFARI – I. A SPHERE discovery of a super metal-rich M-dwarf companion to the star HD 86006, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 479, 4958,
167 Papageorgiou, A., Catelan, M., Christopoulou, P.-E., et al., An Updated Catalog of 4680 Northern Eclipsing Binaries with Algol-type Light-curve Morphology in the Catalina Sky Surveys, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 238, 4,….4P
168 Patrício, V., Richard, J., Carton, D., et al., Kinematics, turbulence, and star formation of z ∼ 1 strongly lensed galaxies seen with MUSE, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 477, 18,…18P
169 Pentericci, L., McLure, R. J., Garilli, B., et al., The VANDELS ESO public spectroscopic survey: Observations and first data release, Astronomy and Astrophysics 616, A174,…616A.174P
170 Pessa, I., Tejos, N., Barrientos, L. F., et al., A VLT/MUSE galaxy survey towards QSO Q1410: looking for a WHIM traced by BLAs in inter-cluster filaments, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 477, 2991,
171 Pfeifle, R. W., Satyapal, S., Secrest, N., et al., The Incidence of Buried Dual AGN in Advanced Mergers: New results from Chandra, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #231 231, 250.02,…23125002P
172 Pigulski, A., Kamińska, M. K., Kamiński, K., et al., τ Ori and τ Lib: Two New Massive Heartbeat Binaries, 3rd BRITE Science Conference 8, 115,
173 Placco, V. M., Beers, T. C., Santucci, R. M., et al., Spectroscopic Validation of Low-metallicity Stars from RAVE, The Astronomical Journal 155, 256,….155..256P
174 Pota, V., Napolitano, N. R., Hilker, M., et al., The Fornax Cluster VLT Spectroscopic Survey – I. VIMOS spectroscopy of compact stellar systems in the Fornax core region, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 481, 1744,
175 Powalka, M., Puzia, T. H., Lançon, A., et al., The Next Generation Virgo Cluster Survey (NGVS). XXXII. A Search for Globular Cluster Substructures in the Virgo Galaxy Cluster Core, The Astrophysical Journal 856, 84,…856…84P
176 Powell, M. C., Cappelluti, N., Urry, C. M., et al., The Swift/BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey. IX. The Clustering Environments of an Unbiased Sample of Local AGNs, The Astrophysical Journal 858, 110,…858..110P
177 Price, D. J., Cuello, N., Pinte, C., et al., Circumbinary, not transitional: on the spiral arms, cavity, shadows, fast radial flows, streamers, and horseshoe in the HD 142527 disc, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 477, 1270,
178 Price, D. J., Cuello, N., Pinte, C., et al., Publisher Note: Circumbinary, not transitional: On the spiral arms, cavity, shadows, fast radial flows, streamers and horseshoe in the HD142527 disc, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 481, 3169,
179 Privon, G. C., Ricci, C., Bauer, F. E., et al., A Serendipitous Hard X-Ray Detection of the Blazar LBQS 1319+0039, Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society 2, 177,…2..177P
180 Pérez-Montero, E., García-Benito, R., Vílchez, J. M., et al., The dependence of oxygen and nitrogen abundances on stellar mass from the CALIFA survey (Corrigendum), Astronomy and Astrophysics 611, C1,…611C…1P
181 Pérez, L. M., Benisty, M., Andrews, S. M., et al., The Disk Substructures at High Angular Resolution Project (DSHARP). X. Multiple Rings, a Misaligned Inner Disk, and a Bright Arc in the Disk around the T Tauri star HD 143006, The Astrophysical Journal 869, L50,…869L..50P
182 Ray, P. S., Arzoumanian, Z., Gendreau, K. C., et al., Searching for X-ray Pulsations from Neutron Stars Using NICER, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #231 231, 243.17,…23124317R
183 Renzini, A., Gennaro, M., Zoccali, M., et al., The WFC3 Galactic Bulge Treasury Program: Relative Ages of Bulge Stars of High and Low Metallicity, The Astrophysical Journal 863, 16,…863…16R
184 Resmi, L., Schulze, S., Ishwara-Chandra, C. H., et al., Low-frequency View of GW170817/GRB 170817A with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope, The Astrophysical Journal 867, 57,…867…57R
185 Ricci, C., Ho, L. C., Fabian, A. C., et al., BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey – XII. The relation between coronal properties of active galactic nuclei and the Eddington ratio, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 480, 1819,
186 Ricci, F., Lovisari, L., Kraft, R. P., et al., Stormy Weather in 3C 196.1: Nuclear Outbursts and Merger Events Shape the Environment of the Hybrid Radio Galaxy 3C 196.1, The Astrophysical Journal 867, 35,…867…35R
187 Richtler, T., Hilker, M., Voggel, K., et al., The curious case of the companion: evidence for cold accretion onto a dwarf satellite near the isolated elliptical NGC 7796⋆, Astronomy and Astrophysics 620, A133,…620A.133R
188 Ronco, M. P., & de Elía, G. C., Formation of Solar system analogues – II. Post-gas-phase growthand water accretion in extended discs via N-body simulations, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 479, 5362,
189 Rong, Y., Li, H., Wang, J., et al., SDSS-IV MaNGA: a distinct mass distribution explored in slow-rotating early-type galaxies, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 477, 230,
190 Rosario, D. J., Burtscher, L., Davies, R. I., et al., LLAMA: normal star formation efficiencies of molecular gas in the centres of luminous Seyfert galaxies, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 473, 5658,
191 Rosito, M. S., Pedrosa, S. E., Tissera, P. B., et al., Field spheroid-dominated galaxies in a Λ-CDM Universe, Astronomy and Astrophysics 614, A85,…614A..85R
192 Russell, C., 360-degree videos: a new visualization technique for astrophysical simulations, applied to the Galactic Center, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #231 231, 311.01,…23131101R
193 Ryu, Y.-H., Yee, J. C., Udalski, A., et al., OGLE-2016-BLG-1190Lb: The First Spitzer Bulge Planet Lies Near the Planet/Brown-dwarf Boundary, The Astronomical Journal 155, 40,….155…40R
194 Salinas, R., Pajkos, M. A., Vivas, A. K., et al., Stellar Variability at the Main-sequence Turnoff of the Intermediate-age LMC Cluster NGC 1846, The Astronomical Journal 155, 183,….155..183S
195 Salvato, M., Buchner, J., Budavári, T., et al., Finding counterparts for all-sky X-ray surveys with NWAY: a Bayesian algorithm for cross-matching multiple catalogues, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 473, 4937,
196 Sarkis, P., Henning, T., Hartman, J. D., et al., HATS-59b,c: A Transiting Hot Jupiter and a Cold Massive Giant Planet around a Sun-like Star, The Astronomical Journal 156, 216,….156..216S
197 Sartori, L. F., Schawinski, K., Koss, M. J., et al., Joint NuSTAR and Chandra analysis of the obscured quasar in IC 2497 – Hanny’s Voorwerp system, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 474, 2444,
198 Sartori, L. F., Schawinski, K., Trakhtenbrot, B., et al., A model for AGN variability on multiple time-scales, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 476, L34,
199 Satyapal, S., Secrest, N., Ellison, S. L., et al., Buried Black Hole Growth in Advanced Mergers: The Discovery of a Large Population of Dual AGN Candidates by Chandra, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #231 231, 123.05,…23112305S
200 Schiappacasse-Ulloa, J., Tang, B., Fernández-Trincado, J. G., et al., A Chemical and Kinematical Analysis of the Intermediate-age Open Cluster IC 166 from APOGEE and Gaia DR2, The Astronomical Journal 156, 94,….156…94S
201 Schulze, S., Krühler, T., Leloudas, G., et al., Cosmic evolution and metal aversion in superluminous supernova host galaxies, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 473, 1258,
202 Seccull, T., Fraser, W. C., Puzia, T. H., et al., 2004 EW<SUB>95</SUB>: A Phyllosilicate-bearing Carbonaceous Asteroid in the Kuiper Belt, The Astrophysical Journal 855, L26,…855L..26S
203 Seccull, T., Fraser, W., Puzia, T., et al., Uncovering Signatures of Refractory Materials on KBOs and Centaurs by Reflectance Spectroscopy, AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts #50 50, 509.11D,….5050911S
204 Selsing, J., Krühler, T., Malesani, D., et al., The host galaxy of the short GRB 111117A at z = 2.211. Impact on the short GRB redshift distribution and progenitor channels, Astronomy and Astrophysics 616, A48,…616A..48S
205 Shimizu, T. T., Davies, R. I., Koss, M., et al., BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey. VIII. Type 1 AGN with Massive Absorbing Columns, The Astrophysical Journal 856, 154,…856..154S
206 Shporer, A., Zhou, G., Vanderburg, A., et al., Looking for transiting warm Jupiters – win some, lose some, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #231 231, 104.04,…23110404S
207 Simm, T., Buchner, J., Merloni, A., et al., Dramatic X-ray spectral variability of a Compton-thick type-1 QSO at z ∼ 1, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 480, 4912,
208 Simmonds, C., Buchner, J., Salvato, M., et al., XZ: Deriving redshifts from X-ray spectra of obscured AGN, Astronomy and Astrophysics 618, A66,…618A..66S
209 Sivo, G., Turchi, A., Masciadri, E., et al., Towards an automatic wind speed and direction profiler for Wide Field adaptive optics systems, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 476, 999,
210 Skinner, J., Covey, K. R., Bender, C. F., et al., Forty-four New and Known M-dwarf Multiples in the SDSS-III/APOGEE M-dwarf Ancillary Science Sample, The Astronomical Journal 156, 45,….156…45S
211 Smart, R. L., Bucciarelli, B., Jones, H. R. A., et al., Parallaxes of Southern Extremely Cool objects III: 118 L and T dwarfs, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 481, 3548,
212 Sollima, A., Martínez Delgado, D., Muñoz, R. R., et al., A survey for dwarf galaxy remnants around 14 globular clusters in the outer halo, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 476, 4814,
213 Soto, M. G., Díaz, M. R., Jenkins, J. S., et al., K2-237 b and K2-238 b: discovery and characterization of two new transiting hot Jupiters from K2, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 478, 5356,
214 Souto, D., Cunha, K., Smith, V. V., et al., Chemical Abundances of Main-sequence, Turnoff, Subgiant, and Red Giant Stars from APOGEE Spectra. I. Signatures of Diffusion in the Open Cluster M67, The Astrophysical Journal 857, 14,…857…14S
215 Spengler, C., Côté, P., Roediger, J., et al., Erratum: “Virgo Redux: The Masses and Stellar Content of Nuclei in Early-type Galaxies from Multiband Photometry and Spectroscopy” (<A href=»/″>2017, ApJ, 849, 55</A>), The Astrophysical Journal 869, 85,…869…85S
216 Stark, D. V., Bundy, K. A., Orr, M. E., et al., SDSS-IV MaNGA: constraints on the conditions for star formation in galaxy discs, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 474, 2323,
217 Stockdale, C., Perez-Torres, M., Argo, M., et al., Radio Observations of the Type IIP Supernova 20017eaw, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #231 231, 245.09,…23124509S
218 Taibi, S., Battaglia, G., Kacharov, N., et al., Stellar chemo-kinematics of the Cetus dwarf spheroidal galaxy, Astronomy and Astrophysics 618, A122,…618A.122T
219 Tang, B., Fernández-Trincado, J. G., Geisler, D., et al., The Metal-poor non-Sagittarius (?) Globular Cluster NGC 5053: Orbit and Mg, Al, and Si Abundances, The Astrophysical Journal 855, 38,…855…38T
220 Tanimoto, A., Ueda, Y., Kawamuro, T., et al., Suzaku Observations of Heavily Obscured (Compton-thick) Active Galactic Nuclei Selected by the Swift/BAT Hard X-Ray Survey, The Astrophysical Journal 853, 146,…853..146T
221 Taylor, M. A., Eigenthaler, P., Puzia, T. H., et al., A Collection of New Dwarf Galaxies in NGC 5128’s Western Halo, The Astrophysical Journal 867, L15,…867L..15T
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244. Zheng X. C., Xue Y. Q., Brandt W. N., Li J. Y., Paolillo M., Yang G., Zhu S. F., Luo B., Sun M. Y., Hughes T. M., Bauer F. E., Vito F., Wang J. X., Liu T., Vignali C., Shu X. W.: Deepest View of AGN X-Ray Variability with the 7 Ms Chandra Deep Field-South Survey. ApJ 849, 127…849..127Z
245. Zheng Z.-Y., Wang J., Rhoads J., Infante L., Malhotra S., Hu W., Walker A. R., Jiang L., Jiang C., Hibon P., Gonzalez A., Kong X., Zheng X., Galaz G., Barrientos L. F.: First Results from the Lyman Alpha Galaxies in the Epoch of Reionization (LAGER) Survey: Cosmological Reionization at z ∼ 7. ApJ 842, L22…842L..22Z
246. Zoccali M., Vasquez S., Gonzalez O. A., Valenti E., Rojas-Arriagada A., Minniti J., Rejkuba M., Minniti D., McWilliam A., Babusiaux C., Hill V., Renzini A.: The GIRAFFE Inner Bulge Survey (GIBS). III. Metallicity distributions and kinematics of 26 Galactic bulge fields. A&A 599, A12…599A..12Z
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10. Amaro-Seoane P., Chen X.: Relativistic mergers of black hole binaries have large, similar masses, low spins and are circular. MNRAS 458, 3075
11. Aravena M., et al. (32 authors, including Bauer F. E., González-López J., Infante L.): The ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field: Search for [CII] Line and Dust Emission in 6. ApJ 833, 71…833…71A
12. Aravena M., et al. (34 authors, including Bauer F. E., González-López J., Infante L.): The ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field: Continuum Number Counts, Resolved 1.2 mm Extragalactic Background, and Properties of the Faintest Dusty Star-forming Galaxies. ApJ 833, 68…833…68A
13. Aravena M., et al. (21 authors, including González-López J.): A survey of the cold molecular gas in gravitationally lensed star-forming galaxies at z > 2. MNRAS 457, 4406
14. Archibald R. F., Gotthelf E. V., Ferdman R. D., Kaspi V. M., Guillot S., Harrison F. A., Keane E. F., Pivovaroff M. J., Stern D., Tendulkar S. P., Tomsick J. A.: A High Braking Index for a Pulsar. ApJ 819, L16…819L..16A
15. Assef R. J., Walton D. J., Brightman M., Stern D., Alexander D., Bauer F., Blain A. W., Diaz-Santos T., Eisenhardt P. R. M., Finkelstein S. L., Hickox R. C., Tsai C.-W., Wu J. W.: Hot Dust Obscured Galaxies with Excess Blue Light: Dual AGN or Single AGN Under Extreme Conditions?. ApJ 819, 111…819..111A
16. Awan H., Gawiser E., Kurczynski P., Jones R. L., Zhan H., Padilla N. D., Muñoz Arancibia A. M., Orsi A., Cora S. A., Yoachim P.: Testing LSST Dither Strategies for Survey Uniformity and Large-scale Structure Systematics. ApJ 829, 50…829…50A
17. Barbuy B., Cantelli E., Vemado A., Ernandes H., Ortolani S., Saviane I., Bica E., Minniti D., Dias B., Momany Y., Hill V., Zoccali M., Siqueira-Mello C.: High-resolution abundance analysis of red giants in the metal-poor bulge globular cluster HP 1. A&A 591, A53…591A..53B
18. Barrera-Ballesteros J. K., Heckman T. M., Zhu G. B., Zakamska N. L., Sánchez S. F., Law D., Wake D., Green J. E., Bizyaev D., Oravetz D., Simmons A., Malanushenko E., Pan K., Roman Lopes A., Lane R. R.: Do galaxy global relationships emerge from local ones? The SDSS IV MaNGA surface mass density-metallicity relation. MNRAS 463, 2513
19. Battaglia N., et al. (42 authors, including D¨unner R.): Weak-lensing mass calibration of the Atacama Cosmology Telescope equatorial Sunyaev-Zeldovich cluster sample with the Canada-France-Hawaii telescope stripe 82 survey. JCAP 8, 013…08..013B
20. Bayliss M. B., et al. (78 authors, including Clocchiatti A.): SPT-GMOS: A Gemini/GMOS-South Spectroscopic Survey of Galaxy Clusters in the SPTSZ Survey. ApJS 227, 3….3B
21. Benedetti-Rossi G., et al. (29 authors, including Leiva R.): Results from the 2014 November 15th Multi-chord Stellar Occultation by the TNO (229762) 2007 UK126. AJ 152, 156….152..156B
22. Bielby R. M., Tummuangpak P., Shanks T., Francke H., Crighton N. H. M., Bañados E., González-López J., Infante L., Orsi A.: The VLT LBG redshift survey – V. Characterizing the z 3.1 Lyman α emitter population. MNRAS 456, 4061
23. Bluhm P., Jones M. I., Vanzi L., Soto M. G., Vos J., Wittenmyer R. A., Drass H., Jenkins J. S., Olivares F., Mennickent R. E., Vucković M., Rojo P., Melo C. H. F.: New spectroscopic binary companions of giant stars and updated metallicity distribution for binary systems. A&A 593, A133…593A.133B
24. Boissay R., Ricci C., Paltani S.: A hard X-ray view of the soft excess in AGN. A&A 588, A70…588A..70B
27. Booth M., Jordán A., Casassus S., Hales A. S., Dent W. R. F., Faramaz V., Matra L., Barkats D., Brahm R., Cuadra J.: Resolving the planetesimal belt of HR 8799 with ALMA . MNRAS 460, L10
28. Borissova J., Ramírez Alegría S., Alonso J., Lucas P. W., Kurtev R., Medina N., Navarro C., Kuhn M., Gromadzki M., Retamales G., Fernandez M. A., Agurto-Gangas C., Chené A.-N., Minniti D., Contreras Pena C., Catelan M., Decany I., Thompson M. A., Morales E. F. E., Amigo P.: Young Stellar Clusters Containing Massive Young Stellar Objects in the VVV Survey. AJ 152, 74….152…74B
29. Bouvier J., et al. (40 authors, including Sbordone L.): The Gaia-ESO Survey: A lithium-rotation connection at 5 Myr?. A&A 590, A78…590A..78B
30. Bouwens R. J., et al. (28 authors, including Bauer F. E., González-López J., Infante L.): ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field: The Infrared Excess of UV-Selected z 2-10 Galaxies as a Function of UV-Continuum Slope and Stellar Mass. ApJ 833, 72…833…72B
31. Bovill M. S., Puzia T. H., Ricotti M., Taylor M. A.: The Lost Dwarfs of Centaurus A and the Formation of its Dark Globular Clusters. ApJ 832, 88…832…88B
32. Bozza V., et al. (108 authors, including Rabus M.): Spitzer Observations of OGLE-2015-BLG-1212 Reveal a New Path toward Breaking Strong Microlens Degeneracies. ApJ 820, 79…820…79B
33. Brahm R., Jordán A., Bakos G. A ., Penev K., Espinoza N., Rabus M., Hartman J. D., Bayliss D., Ciceri S., Zhou G., Mancini L., Tan T. G., de ValBorro M., Bhatti W., Csubry Z., Bento J., Henning T., Schmidt B., Rojas F., Suc V., Lázár J., Papp 14 I., Sári P.: HATS-17b: A Transiting Compact Warm Jupiter in a 16.3 Day Circular Orbit. AJ 151, 89….151…89B
34. Brahm R., Jones M., Espinoza N., Jordán A., Rabus M., Rojas F., Jenkins J. S., Cortés C., Drass H., Pantoja B., Soto M. G., Vuˇković M.: An Independent Discovery of Two Hot Jupiters from the K2 Mission. PASP 128, 124402
35. Brightman M., Masini A., Ballantyne D. R., Baloković M., Brandt W. N., Chen C.-T., Comastri A., Farrah D., Gandhi P., Harrison F. A., Ricci C., Stern D., Walton D. J.: A Growth-rate Indicator for Compton-thick Active Galactic Nuclei. ApJ 826, 93…826…93B
36. Burtscher L., Davies R. I., Gracía-Carpio J., Koss M. J., Lin M.-Y., Lutz D., Nandra P., Netzer H., Orban de Xivry G., Ricci C., Rosario D. J., Veilleux S., Contursi A., Genzel R., Schnorr-M¨uller A., Sternberg A., Sturm E., Tacconi L. J.: On the relation of optical obscuration and X-ray absorption in Seyfert galaxies. A&A 586, A28…586A..28B
37. Cai Y.-C., Taylor A., Peacock J. A., Padilla N.: Redshift-space distortions around voids. MNRAS 462, 2465
38. Calderón D., Ballone A., Cuadra J., Schartmann M., Burkert A., Gillessen S.: Clump formation through colliding stellar winds in the Galactic Centre. MNRAS 455, 4388
39. Calderón D., Bauer F. E., Veilleux S., Graciá Carpio J., Sturm E., Lira P., Schulze S., Kim S.: Searching for molecular outflows in hyperluminous infrared galaxies. MNRAS 460, 3052
40. Cano-Díaz M., Sánchez S. F., Zibetti S., Ascasibar Y., Bland-Hawthorn J., Ziegler B., González Delgado R. M., Walcher C. J., García-Benito R., Mast D., Mendoza-Pérez M. A., Falcón-Barroso J., Galbany L., Husemann B., Kehrig C., Marino R. A., Sánchez-Blázquez P., López-Cobá C., López-Sánchez A . R., Vilchez J. M.: Spatially Resolved Star Formation Main Sequence of Galaxies in the CALIFA Survey. ApJ 821, L26…821L..26C
42. Casey A. R., et al. (51 authors, including Sbordone L.): The Gaia-ESO Survey: revisiting the Li-rich giant problem. MNRAS 461, 3336
43. Cerulo P., Couch W. J., Lidman C., Demarco R., Huertas-Company M., Mei S., S´anchez-Janssen R., Barrientos L. F., Muñoz R. P.: The accelerated build-up of the red sequence in high-redshift galaxy clusters. MNRAS 457, 2209
44. Charles E., et al. (25 authors, including Gómez-Vargas, G. A.): Sensitivity projections for dark matter searches with the Fermi large area telescope. Phys. Rep. 636, 1…636….1C
45. Chen X., Amaro-Seoane P., Cuadra J.: Stability of Gas Clouds in Galactic Nuclei: An Extended Virial Theorem. ApJ 819, 138…819..138C
46. Chen X., Gómez-Vargas, G. A., Guillochon J.: The γ-ray afterglows of tidal disruption events. MNRAS 458, 3314
47. Chuss D. T., et al. (31 authors, including Dünner R., Fluxa P.): Cosmology Large Angular Scale Surveyor (CLASS) Focal Plane Development. Journal of Low Temperature Physics 184, 759
48. Ciceri S., et al. (31 authors, including Brahm R., Jordán A., Rabus M., Espinoza N., Suc V.): HATS-15b and HATS-16b: Two Massive Planets Transiting Old G Dwarf Stars. PASP 128, 074401
49. Ciceri S., et al. (48 authors, including Brahm R., Rabus M., Jord´an A.): Physical properties of the planetary systems WASP-45 and WASP-46 from simultaneous multiband photometry. MNRAS 456, 990
50. Corral-Santana J. M., Casares J., Muñoz-Darias T., Bauer F. E., Mart´ınez-Pais I. G., Russell D. M.: BlackCAT: A catalogue of stellar-mass black holes in X-ray transients. A&A 587, A61…587A..61C
51. Crossfield I. J. M., et al. (44 authors, including Brahm R., Jord´an A.): 197 Candidates and 104 Validated Planets in K2’s First Five Fields. ApJS 226, 7….7C
52. Díaz Tello J., Donzelli C., Padilla N., Akiyama M., Fujishiro N., Yoshikawa T., Hanami H.: Star formation activity in Balmer break galaxies at z < 1.5. A&A 587, A136…587A.136D
53. Díaz M. C., et al. (34 authors, including Padilla N.): GW150914: First Search for the Electromagnetic Counterpart of a Gravitational-wave Event by the TOROS Collaboration. ApJ 828, L16…828L..16D
54. Dünner R.: Cosmic Microwave Background Observations. Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings 45, 229…45..229D
55. de Haan T., et al. (77 authors, including Clocchiatti A.): Cosmological Constraints from Galaxy Clusters in the 2500 Square-degree SPT-SZ Survey. ApJ 832, 95…832…95D
56. De Pasquale M., et al. (40 authors, including Schulze S.): The central engine of GRB 130831A and the energy breakdown of a relativistic explosion. MNRAS 455, 1027
57. De Pasquale M., Page M. J., Kann D. A., Oates S. R., Schulze S., Zhang B., Cano Z., Gendre B., Malesani D., Rossi A., Troja E., Piro L., Bo¨er M., Stratta G., Gehrels N.: The 80 Ms follow-up of the X-ray afterglow of GRB 130427A challenges the standard forward shock model. MNRAS 462, 1111
58. de Val-Borro M., Bakos G. A ., Brahm R., Hartman J. D., Espinoza N., Penev K., Ciceri S., Jordán A., Bhatti W., Csubry Z., Bayliss D., Bento J., Zhou G., Rabus M., Mancini L., Henning T., Schmidt B., Tan T. G., Tinney C. G., Wright D. J., KedzioraChudczer L., Bailey J., Suc V., Durkan S., Lázár J., Papp I., Sári P.: HATS-31b through HATS-35b: Five Transiting Hot Jupiters Discovered By the HATSouth Survey. AJ 152, 161….152..161D
59. Decarli R., et al. (32 authors, including Bauer F. E., González-López J.): The ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field: Molecular Gas Reservoirs in High-redshift Galaxies. ApJ 833, 70…833…70D
60. Decarli R., et al. (40 authors, including Bauer F. E., González-López J., Infante L.): ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field: CO Luminosity Functions and the Evolution of the Cosmic Density of Molecular Gas. ApJ 833, 69…833…69D
61. Del Moro A., Alexander D. M., Bauer F. E., Daddi E., Kocevski D. D., McIntosh D. H., Stanley F., Brandt W. N., Elbaz D., Harrison C. M., Luo B., Mullaney J. R., Xue Y. Q.: Mid-infrared luminous quasars in the GOODS-Herschel fields: a large population of heavily obscured, Compton-thick quasars at z ≈ 2. MNRAS 456, 2105
62. Delgado-Inglada G., Mesa-Delgado A., García-Rojas J., Rodríguez M., Esteban C.: The Fe/Ni ratio in ionized nebulae: clues on dust depletion patterns. MNRAS 456, 3855
63. Dias B., Barbuy B., Saviane I., Held E. V., Da Costa G. S., Ortolani S., Gullieuszik M., V´asquez S.: FORS2/VLT survey of Milky Way globular clusters. II. Fe and Mg abundances of 51 Milky Way globular clusters on a homogeneous scale. A&A 590, A9…590A…9D
64. Dwarkadas V. V., Romero-Cañizales C., Reddy R., Bauer F. E.: X-ray and radio emission from the luminous supernova 2005kd. MNRAS 462, 1101
65. Elliott P., Bayo A., Melo C. H. F., Torres C. A. O., Sterzik M. F., Quast G. R., Montes D., Brahm R.: Search for associations containing young stars (SACY). VII. New stellar and substellar candidate members in the young associations. A&A 590, A13…590A..13E
66. Elorrieta F., Eyheramendy S., Jord´an A., D´ek´any I., Catelan M., Angeloni R., Alonso-Garc´ıa J., Contreras-Ramos R., Gran F., Hajdu G., Espinoza N., Saito R. K., Minniti D.: A machine learned classifier for RR Lyrae in the VVV survey. A&A 595, A82…595A..82E
67. Erfanianfar G., et al. (33 authors, including Bauer F.): Non-linearity and environmental dependence of the star-forming galaxies main sequence. MNRAS 455, 2839
68. Espinoza N., Brahm R., Jordán A., Jenkins J. S., Rojas F., Jofré P., Mädler T., Rabus M., Chanamé J., Pantoja B., Soto M. G., Morzinski K. M., Males J. R., Ward-Duong K., Close L. M.: Discovery and Validation of a High-Density subNeptune from the K2 Mission. ApJ 830, 43…830…43E
69. Espinoza N., Jordán A.: Limb darkening and exoplanets – II. Choosing the best law for optimal retrieval of transit parameters. MNRAS 457, 3573
70. Espinoza N., Bayliss D., Hartman J. D., Bakos G. A ., Jordán A., Zhou G., Mancini L., Brahm R., Ciceri S., Bhatti W., Csubry Z., Rabus M., Penev K., Bento J., de Val-Borro M., Henning T., Schmidt B., Suc V., Wright D. J., Tinney C. G., Tan T. G., Noyes R.: HATS-25b through HATS-30b: A Half-dozen New Inflated Transiting Hot Jupiters from the HATSouth Survey. AJ 152, 108….152..108E
71. Esteban C., Mesa-Delgado A., Morisset C., García-Rojas J.: The chemical composition of Galactic ring nebulae around massive stars. MNRAS 460, 4038
72. Evans D. F., et al. (36 authors, including Rabus M.): High-resolution Imaging of Transiting Extrasolar Planetary systems (HITEP). I. Lucky imaging observations of 101 systems in the southern hemisphere. A&A 589, A58…589A..58E
73. Fan L., Han Y., Nikutta R., Drouart G., Knudsen K. K.: Infrared Spectral Energy Distribution Decomposition of WISE-selected, Hyperluminous Hot Dustobscured Galaxies. ApJ 823, 107…823..107F
74. Farrah D., et al. (27 authors, including Bauer F. E., Ricci C.): The Geometry of the Infrared and X-Ray Obscurer in a Dusty Hyperluminous Quasar. ApJ 831, 76…831…76F
75. Ferrarese L., et al. (27 authors, including Jordán A., Puzia T. H., Zhang H.): The Next Generation Virgo Cluster Survey (NGVS). XIII. The Luminosity and Mass Function of Galaxies in the Core of the Virgo Cluster and the Contribution from Disrupted Satellites. ApJ 824, 10…824…10F
76. Figuera Jaimes R., et al. (42 authors, including Rabus M.): Many new variable stars discovered in the core of the globular cluster NGC 6715 (M 54) with EMCCD observations. A&A 592, A120…592A.120F
77. Figuera Jaimes R., et al. (33 authors, including Rabus M.): Exploring the crowded central region of ten Galactic globular clusters using EMCCDs. Variable star searches and new discoveries. A&A 588, A128…588A.128F
78. Fornasa M., Cuoco A., Zavala J., Gaskins J. M., Sánchez-Conde M. A., Gomez-Vargas G., Komatsu E., Linden T., Prada F., Zandanel F., Morselli A.: Angular power spectrum of the diffuse gammaray emission as measured by the Fermi Large Area Telescope and constraints on its dark matter interpretation. Phys.Rev.D 94, 123005
79. Francois P., Monaco L., Bonifacio P., Moni Bidin C., Geisler D., Sbordone L.: Abundance ratios of red giants in low-mass ultra-faint dwarf spheroidal galaxies. A&A 588, A7…588A…7F
80. Fuhrmann K., Chini R., Kaderhandt L., Chen Z., Lachaume R.: Evidence for very nearby hidden white dwarfs. MNRAS 459, 1682
81. Górski M., Pietrzynski G., Gieren W., Catelan M., Pilecki B., Karczmarek P., Suchomska K., Graczyk D., Konorski P., Zgirski B., Wielg´orski P.: The Araucaria Project: On the Tip of the Red Giant Branch Distance Determination to the Magellanic Clouds.. AJ 151, 167….151..167G
82. Galbany L., et al. (33 authors, including Galaz G.): UBVRIz Light Curves of 51 Type II Supernovae. AJ 151, 33….151…33G
83. Gallimore J. F., Elitzur M., Maiolino R., Marconi A., O’Dea C. P., Lutz D., Baum S. A., Nikutta R., Impellizzeri C. M. V., Davies R., Kimball A. E., Sani E.: High-velocity Bipolar Molecular Emission from an AGN Torus. ApJ 829, L7…829L…7G
84. Goddard D., et al. (28 authors, including Lane R. R.): SDSS-IV MaNGA: Spatially resolved star formation histories in galaxies as a function of galaxy mass and type. MNRAS
85. Goicovic F. G., Cuadra J., Sesana A., Stasyszyn F., Amaro-Seoane P., Tanaka T. L.: Infalling clouds on to supermassive black hole binaries – I. Formation of discs, accretion and gas dynamics. MNRAS 455, 1989
86. Gonneau A., Lan¸con A., Trager S. C., Aringer B., Lyubenova M., Nowotny W., Peletier R. F., Prugniel P., Chen Y.-P., Dries M., Choudhury O. S., Falcón Barroso J., Koleva M., Meneses-Goytia S., Sánchez Blázquez P., Vazdekis A.: Carbon stars in the XShooter Spectral Library. A&A 589, A36…589A..36G
87. González R. E.: PARAVT: Parallel Voronoi tessellation code. Astronomy and Computing 17, 80….17…80G
88. González R. E., Padilla N. D.: Subhalo Accretion through Filaments. ApJ 829, 58…829…58G
89. Gonzalez O. A., Gadotti D. A., Debattista V. P., Rejkuba M., Valenti E., Zoccali M., Coccato L., Minniti D., Ness M.: Comparing the properties of the X-shaped bulges of NGC 4710 and the Milky Way with MUSE. A&A 591, A7…591A…7G
90. Gran F., Minniti D., Saito R. K., Zoccali M., Gonzalez O. A., Navarrete C., Catelan M., Contreras Ramos R., Elorrieta F., Eyheramendy S., Jordán A.: Mapping the outer bulge with RRab stars from the VVV Survey. A&A 591, A145…591A.145G
91. Grand R.J.J., Springel V., Kawata D., Minchev I., Sánchez-Blázquez P., Gómez F. A., Marinacci F., Pakmor R., Campbell D. J. R., Spiral-induced velocity and metallicity patterns in a cosmological zoom simulation of a Milky Way-sized galaxy. MNRAS 460, 94
92. Guainazzi M., et al. (25 authors, including Bauer F. E., Ricci C.): The nature of the torus in the heavily obscured AGN Markarian 3: an X-ray study. MNRAS 460, 1954
93. Guillochon J., McCourt M., Chen X., Johnson M. D., Berger E.: Unbound Debris Streams and Remnants Resulting from the Tidal Disruptions of Stars by Supermassive Black Holes. ApJ 822, 48…822…48G
94. Guillot S., Kaspi V. M., Archibald R. F., Bachetti M., Flynn C., Jankowski F., Bailes M., Boggs S., Christensen F. E., Craig W. W., Hailey C. A., Harrison F. A., Stern D., Zhang W. W.: The NuSTAR view of the non-thermal emission from PSR J0437- 4715. MNRAS 463, 2612
95. Han C., et al. (68 authors, including Rabus M.): OGLE-2015-BLG-0479LA,B: Binary Gravitational Microlens Characterized by Simultaneous Groundbased and Space-based Observations. ApJ 828, 53…828…53H
96. Harrison F. A., et al. (44 authors, including Bauer F. E.): The NuSTAR Extragalactic Surveys: The Number Counts of Active Galactic Nuclei and the Resolved Fraction of the Cosmic X-Ray Background. ApJ 831, 185…831..185H
97. Henderson C. B., et al. (127 authors, including Rabus M.): Campaign 9 of the K2 Mission: Observational Parameters, Scientific Drivers, and Community Involvement for a Simultaneous Spaceand Ground-based Microlensing Survey. PASP 128, 124401
98. Herrmann K. A., Hunter D. A., Zhang H.-X., Elmegreen B. G.: Mass-to-light versus Color Relations for Dwarf Irregular Galaxies. AJ 152, 177….152..177H
99. Hong J., et al. (33 authors, including Bauer F.): NuSTAR Hard X-Ray Survey of the Galactic Center Region. II. X-Ray Point Sources. ApJ 825, 132…825..132H
100. Hoyer S., López-Morales M., Rojo P., Minniti D., Adams E. R.: TraMoS – IV. Discarding the Quick Orbital Decay Hypothesis for OGLE-TR-113b. MNRAS 455, 1334
101. Hurtado-Gil L., et al. (31 authors, including Infante L.): The ALHAMBRA Survey: Evolution of Galaxy Spectral Segregation. ApJ 818, 174…818..174H
102. Husband K., Bremer M. N., Stott J. P., Murphy D. N. A.: Early quenching of massive protocluster galaxies around z 2.2 radio galaxies. MNRAS 462, 421
103. Hutzler A., Gattacceca J., Rochette P., Braucher R., Carro B., Christensen E. J., Cournede C., Gounelle M., Laridhi Ouazaa N., Martinez R., Valenzuela M., Warner M., Bourles D.: Description of a very dense meteorite collection area in western Atacama: Insight into the long-term composition of the meteorite flux to Earth. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 51, 468…51..468H
104. Jeong W.-S., Ko K., Kim M., Ko J., Kim S., Pyo J., Kim S. J., Kim T., Seo H. J., Park W.-K., Park S.-J., Kim M. G., Kim D. J., Cha S.-M., Lee Y., Lee C.- U., Kim S.-L., Matsuura S., Pearson C., Matsuhara
H.: Optical Survey with KMTNet for Dusty StarForming Galaxies in the Akari Deep Field South. Journal of Korean Astronomical Society 49, 225…49..225
105. Jones M. I., Jenkins J. S., Brahm R., Wittenmyer R. A., Olivares E. F., Melo C. H. F., Rojo P., Jordán A., Drass H., Butler R. P., Wang L.: Four new planets around giant stars and the mass-metallicity correlation of planet-hosting stars. A&A 590, A38…590A..38J
106. Kóspál A ., et al. (25 authors, including Hajdu G.): Multiwavelength study of the low-luminosity outbursting young star HBC 722. A&A 596, A52…596A..52K
107. Kangas T., et al. (33 authors, including Romero Cañizales C.: Supernova 2013fc in a circumnuclear ring of a luminous infrared galaxy: the big brother of SN 1998S. MNRAS 456, 323
108. Kawamuro T., Ueda Y., Tazaki F., Ricci C.,Terashima Y.: Suzaku Observations of Moderately Obscured (Compton-thin) Active Galactic Nuclei Selected by Swift/BAT Hard X-ray Survey. ApJS 225, 14…14K
109. Kim D.-C., Evans A. S., Stierwalt S., Privon G. C.: Kinematically Identified Recoiling Supermassive Black Hole Candidates in SDSS QSOs with z > 0.25. ApJ 824, 122…824..122K
110. Koljonen K. I. I., Russell D. M., Corral-Santana J. M., Armas Padilla M., Mu˜noz-Darias T., Lewis F., Coriat M., Bauer F. E.: A ‘high-hard’ outburst of the black hole X-ray binary GS 1354-64. MNRAS 460, 942
111. Koss M. J., et al. (22 authors, including Bauer F. E., Ricci C.): A New Population of Comptonthick AGNs Identified Using the Spectral Curvature above 10 keV. ApJ 825, 85…825…85K
112. Koss M. J., et al. (22 authors, including Bauer F., Treister E.): NuSTAR Resolves the First Dual AGN above 10 keV in SWIFT J2028.5+2543. ApJ 824, L4…824L…4K
113. Lacerna I., Hernández-Toledo H. M., Avila-Reese V., Abonza-Sane J., del Olmo A.: Isolated elliptical galaxies in the local Universe. A&A 588, A79…588A..79L
114. LaMassa S. M., et al. (20 authors, including Ricci C.): Peering Through the Dust: NuSTAR Observations of Two FIRST-2MASS Red Quasars. ApJ 820, 70…820…70L
115. Lanzuisi G., et al. (29 authors, including Bauer F. E., Ricci C.): NuSTAR reveals the extreme properties of the super-Eddington accreting supermassive black hole in PG 1247+267. A&A 590, A77…590A..77L
116. Laporte N., Infante L., Troncoso Iribarren P., Zheng W., Molino A., Bauer F. E., Bina D., Broadhurst T., Chilingarian I., Huang X., Garcia S., Kim S., Marques-Chaves R., Moustakas J., Pelló R., Pérez-Fournon I., Shu X., Streblyanska A., Zitrin A.: Young Galaxy Candidates in the Hubble Frontier Fields. III. MACS J0717.5+3745. ApJ 820, 98…820…98L
117. Larson K. L., Sanders D. B., Barnes J. E., Ishida C. M., Evans A. S., U V., Mazzarella J. M., Kim D.- C., Privon G. C., Mirabel I. F., Flewelling H. A.: Morphology and Molecular Gas Fractions of Local Luminous Infrared Galaxies as a Function of Infrared Luminosity and Merger Stage. ApJ 825, 128…825..128L
118. Lehmer B. D., et al. (20 authors, including Bauer F. E.): The Evolution of Normal Galaxy X-Ray Emission through Cosmic History: Constraints from the 6 MS Chandra Deep Field-South. ApJ 825, 7…825….7L
119. Leloudas G., et al. (50 authors, including Kim S., Romero-Cañizales C., Schulze S.): The superluminous transient ASASSN-15lh as a tidal disruption event from a Kerr black hole. Nature Astronomy 1,0002…1E…2L
120. Licitra R., et al. (16 authors, including Muñoz R. P., Puzia T. H.): The Next Generation Virgo Cluster Survey. XX. RedGOLD Background Galaxy Cluster Detections. ApJ 829, 44…829…44L
121. Lipunov V. M., et al. (53 authors, including Schulze S.): The optical identification of events with poorly defined locations: the case of the Fermi GBM GRB 140801A . MNRAS 455, 712
122. Liu Y., Peng E. W., Blakeslee J., Cote P., Ferrarese L., Jordán A., Puzia T. H., Toloba E., Zhang H.- X.: Evidence for the Rapid Formation of Low-mass Early-type Galaxies in Dense Environments. ApJ 818, 179…818..179L
123. Liu Y., Peng E. W., Lim S., Jord´an A., Blakeslee J., Cote P., Ferrarese L., Pattarakijwanich P.: The ACS Fornax Cluster Survey. XII. Diffuse Star Clusters in Early-type Galaxies. ApJ 830, 99…830…99L
124. Lopez-Rodriguez E., et al. (13 authors, including Nikutta R.): Mid-infrared imaging- and spectropolarimetric subarcsecond observations of NGC 1068. MNRAS 458, 3851
125. Lubínski P., Beckmann V., Gibaud L., Paltani S., Papadakis I. E., Ricci C., Soldi S., Turler M., Walter R., Zdziarski A. A.: A comprehensive analysis of the hard X-ray spectra of bright Seyfert galaxies. MNRAS 458, 2454
126. Lyubenova M., and 25 authors including Sánchez Blázquez P.: IMF shape constraints from stellar populations and dynamics from CALIFA. MNRAS 463, 3220…585A.156O
21 Sári P.: HATS-18b: An Extreme Short-period Massive Transiting Planet Spinning Up Its Star. AJ 152, 127….152..127P
The Swift Gamma-Ray Burst Host Galaxy Legacy Survey. I. Sample Selection and Redshift Distribution. ApJ 817, 7…817….7P
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VII. The Intrinsic Shapes of Low-luminosity Galaxies in the Core of the Virgo Cluster, and a Comparison with the Local Group. ApJ 820, 62…820…69S…832L..14S…831..183S
A&A 589, A126…589A.126V
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1. Ade P. A. R., Arnold K., Atlas M., Baccigalupi C., Barron D., Boettger D., Borrill J., Chapman S., Chinone Y., Cukierman A., Dobbs M., Ducout A., Dunner R., Elleflot T., Errard J., Fabbian G., Feeney S., Feng C., Gilbert A., Goeckner-Wald N., Groh J., Hall G., Halverson N. W., Hasegawa M., Hattori K., Hazumi M., Hill C., Holzapfel W. L., Hori Y., Howe L., Inoue Y., Jaehnig G. C., Jaffe A. H., Jeong O., Katayama N., Kaufman J. P., Keating B., Kermish Z., Keskitalo R., Kisner T., Kusaka A., Le Jeune M., Lee A. T., Leitch E. M., Leon D., Li Y., Linder E., Lowry L., Matsuda F., Matsumura T., Miller N., Montgomery J., Myers M. J., Navaroli M., Nishino H., Okamura T., Paar H., Peloton J., Pogosian L., Poletti D., Puglisi G., Raum C., Rebeiz G., Reichardt C. L., Richards P. L., Ross C., Rotermund K. M., Schenck D. E., Sherwin B. D., Shimon M., Shirley I., Siritanasak P., Smecher G., Stebor N., Steinbach B., Suzuki A., Suzuki J.-i., Tajima O., Takakura S., Tikhomirov A., Tomaru T., Whitehorn N., Wilson B., Yadav A., Zahn A., Zahn O., Polarbear Collaboration: POLARBEAR constraints on cosmic birefringence and primordial magnetic fields. Phys.Rev.D 92, 123509
2. Adibekyan V. Z., Benamati L., Santos N. C., Alves S., Lovis C., Udry S., Israelian G., Sousa S. G., Tsantaki M., Mortier A., Sozzetti A., De Medeiros J. R.: Chemical abundances and kinematics of 257 G-, K-type field giants. Setting a base for further analysis of giant-planet properties orbiting evolved stars. MNRAS 450, 1900
3. Aird J., Alexander D. M., Ballantyne D. R., Civano F., Del-Moro A., Hickox R. C., Lansbury G. B., Mullaney J. R., Bauer F. E., Brandt W. N., Comastri A., Fabian A. C., Gandhi P., Harrison F. A., Luo B., Stern D., Treister E., Zappacosta L., Ajello M., Assef R., Balokovi ́c M., Boggs S. E., Brightman M., Christensen F. E., Craig W. W., Elvis M., Forster K., Grefenstette B. W., Hailey C. J., Koss M., LaMassa S. M., Madsen K. K., Puccetti S., Saez C., Urry C. M., Wik D. R., Zhang W.: The NuSTAR Extra- galactic Survey: First Direct Measurements of the >∼10 KeV X-Ray Luminosity Function for Active Galactic Nuclei at z>0.1. ApJ 815, 66…815…66A
4. Alonso-García J., Dékány I., Catelan M., Contreras Ramos R. Gran F., Amigo P., Leyton P., Minniti D.: Variable Stars in the VVV Globular Clusters. I. 2MASS-GC 02 and Terzan 10. AJ 149, 99….149…99A
5. Alves S., Benamati L., Santos N. C., Adibekyan V. Z., Sousa S. G., Israelian G., De Medeiros J. R., Lovis C., Udry S.: Determination of the spectro- scopic stellar parameters for 257 field giant stars. MNRAS 448, 2749
6. Annuar A., Gandhi P., Alexander D. M., Lansbury G. B., Arévalo P., Ballantyne D. R., Balokovic M., Bauer F. E., Boggs S. E., Brandt W. N., Brightman M., Christensen F. E., Craig W. W., Del Moro A., Hailey C. J., Harrison F. A., Hickox R. C., Matt G., Puccetti S., Ricci C., Rigby J. R., Stern D., Walton D. J., Zappacosta L., Zhang W.: NuSTAR Observations of the Compton-thick Active Galactic Nucleus and Ultraluminous X-Ray Source Candidate in NGC 5643. ApJ 815, 36…815…36A
7. Antonopoulou D., Weltevrede P., Espinoza C. M., Watts A. L., Johnston S., Shannon R. M., Kerr M.: The unusual glitch recoveries of the high-magnetic- field pulsar J1119-6127. MNRAS 447, 3924
8. Armaza C., Reisenegger A., Alejandro Valdivia J.: On Magnetic Equilibria in Barotropic Stars. ApJ 802, 121…802..121A
9. Ascaso B., Benítez N., Fernández-Soto A., Arnalte- Mur P., López-Sanjuan C., Molino A., Schoenell W., Jiménez-Teja Y., Merson A. I., Huertas-Company M., Díaz-García L. A., Martínez V. J., Cenarro A. J., Dupke R., Márquez I., Masegosa J., Nieves-Seoane L., Povi ́c M., Varela J., Viironen K., Aguerri J. A. L., Olmo A. D., Moles M., Perea J., Alfaro E., Aparicio- Villegas T., Broadhurst T., Cabrera-Can ̃o J., Castander F. J., Cepa J., Cerviño M., Delgado R. M. G., Cristo ́bal-Hornillos D., Hurtado-Gil L., Husillos C., Infante L., Prada F., Quintana J. M.: Galaxy clusters and groups in the ALHAMBRA survey. MN- RAS 452, 549
10. Bachelet E., Bramich D. M., Han C., Greenhill J., Street R. A., Gould A., D’Ago G., AlSubai K., Dominik M., Figuera Jaimes R., Horne K., Hundertmark M., Kains N., Snodgrass C., Steele I. A., Tsapras Y., RoboNet Collaboration, Albrow M. D., Batista V., Beaulieu J.-P., Bennett D. P., Brillant S., Caldwell J. A. R., Cassan A., Cole A., Coutures C., Dieters S., Dominis Prester D., Donatowicz J., Fouqu ́e P., Hill K., Marquette J.-B., Menzies J., Pere C., Ranc C., Wambsganss J., Warren D., The PLANET Collaboration, de Almeida L. A., Choi J.-Y., DePoy D. L., Dong S., Hung L.-W., Hwang K.-H., Jablonski F., Jung Y. K., Kaspi S., Klein N., Lee C.-U., Maoz D., Muñoz J. A., Nataf D., Park H., Pogge R. W., Polishook D., Shin I.- G., Shporer A., Yee J. C., The μFUN Collaboration, Abe F., Bhattacharya A., Bond I. A., Botzler C. S., Freeman M., Fukui A., Itow Y., Koshi- moto N., Ling C. H., Masuda K., Matsubara Y., Muraki Y., Ohnishi K., Philpott L. C., Rattenbury N., Saito T., Sullivan D. J., Sumi T., Suzuki D., Tristram P. J., Yonehara A., The MOA Collabora- tion, Bozza V., Calchi Novati S., Ciceri S., Galianni P., Gu S.-H., Harpsøe K., Hinse T. C., Jørgensen U. G., Juncher D., Korhonen H., Mancini L., Melchiorre C., Popovas A., Postiglione A., Rabus M., Rahvar S., Schmidt R. W., Scarpetta G., Skottfelt J., Southworth J., Stabile A., Surdej J., Wang X.- B., Wertz O., The MiNDSTEp Collaboration: Red Noise Versus Planetary Interpretations in the Microlensing Event Ogle-2013-BLG-446. ApJ 812, 136…812..136B
11. Bakos G. A ́., Penev K., Bayliss D., Hartman J. D., Zhou G., Brahm R., Mancini L., de Val-Borro M., Bhatti W., Jordán A., Rabus M., Espinoza N., Csubry Z., Howard A. W., Fulton B. J., Buchhave L. A., Ciceri S., Henning T., Schmidt B., Isaacson H., Noyes R. W., Marcy G. W., Suc V., Howe A. R., Burrows A. S., Lázár J., Papp I., Sári P.: HATS-7b: A Hot Super Neptune Transiting a Quiet K Dwarf Star. ApJ 813, 111…813..111B
12. Barbuy B., Friaca A. C. S., da Silveira C. R., Hill V., Zoccali M., Minniti D., Renzini A., Ortolani S., Gómez A.: Zinc abundances in Galactic bulge field red giants: Implications for damped Lyman-α systems. A&A 580, A40…580A..40B
13. Barone-Nugent R. L., Sonnenfeld A., Wyithe J. S. B., Trenti M., Treu T., Schmidt K. B., Oesch P. A., Bradley L., Puzia T.: A spectroscopically confirmed z = 1.327 galaxy-scale deflector magnify- ing a z ∼ 8 Lyman-break galaxy in the Brightest of Reionizing Galaxies survey. MNRAS 453, 3068
14. Bauer F. E., Arévalo P., Walton D. J., Koss M. J., Puccetti S., Gandhi P., Stern D., Alexander D. M., Balokovi ́c M., Boggs S. E., Brandt W. N., Brightman M., Christensen F. E., Comastri A., Craig W. W., Del Moro A., Hailey C. J., Harrison F. A., Hickox R., Luo B., Markwardt C. B., Marinucci A., Matt G., Rigby J. R., Rivers E., Saez C., Treister E., Urry C. M., Zhang W. W.: NuSTAR Spectroscopy of Multi-component X-Ray Reflection from NGC 1068. ApJ 812, 116…812..116B
15. Baxter E. J., Keisler R., Dodelson S., Aird K. A., Allen S. W., Ashby M. L. N., Bautz M., Bayliss M., Benson B. A., Bleem L. E., Bocquet S., Brodwin M., Carlstrom J. E., Chang C. L., Chiu I., Cho H.- M., Clocchiatti A., Crawford T. M., Crites A. T., Desai S., Dietrich J. P., de Haan T., Dobbs M. A., Foley R. J., Forman W. R., George E. M., Gladders M. D., Gonzalez A. H., Halverson N. W., Harring- ton N. L., Hennig C., Hoekstra H., Holder G. P., Holzapfel W. L., Hou Z., Hrubes J. D., Jones C., Knox L., Lee A. T., Leitch E. M., Liu J., Lueker M., Luong-Van D., Mantz A., Marrone D. P., Mc- Donald M., McMahon J. J., Meyer S. S., Millea M., Mocanu L. M., Murray S. S., Padin S., Pryke C., Reichardt C. L., Rest A., Ruhl J. E., Saliwanchik B. R., Saro A., Sayre J. T., Schaffer K. K., Shirokoff E., Song J., Spieler H. G., Stalder B., Stanford S. A., Staniszewski Z., Stark A. A., Story K. T., van En- gelen A., Vanderlinde K., Vieira J. D., Vikhlinin A., Williamson R., Zahn O., Zenteno A.: A Measurement of Gravitational Lensing of the Cosmic Microwave Background by Galaxy Clusters Using Data from the South Pole Telescope. ApJ 806, 247…806..247B
16. Bayliss D., Hartman J. D., Bakos G. A ́., Penev K., Zhou G., Brahm R., Rabus M., Jordán A., Mancini L., de Val-Borro M., Bhatti W., Espinoza N., Csubry Z., Howard A. W., Fulton B. J., Buch- have L. A., Henning T., Schmidt B., Ciceri S., Noyes R. W., Isaacson H., Marcy G. W., Suc V., Lázár J., Papp I., Sa ́ri P.: HATS-8b: A Low-density Transiting Super-Neptune. AJ 150, 49….150…49B
17. Beamín J. C., Ivanov V. D., Minniti D., Smart R. L., Muˇzi ́c K., Mendez R. A., Beletsky Y., Bayo A., Gromadzki M., Kurtev R.: Spectrophotometric characterization of high proper motion sources from WISE. MNRAS 454, 4054
18. Bellazzini M., Mucciarelli A., Sollima A., Catelan M., Dalessandro E., Correnti M., D’Orazi V., Cortés C., Amigo P.: Kinematics of a globular cluster with an extended profile: NGC 5694. MNRAS 446, 3130
19. Berney S., Koss M., Trakhtenbrot B., Ricci C., Lamperti I., Schawinski K., Balokovi ́c M., Crenshaw D. M., Fischer T., Gehrels N., Harrison F., Hashimoto Y., Ichikawa K., Mushotzky R., Oh K., Stern D., Treister E., Ueda Y., Veilleux S., Winter L.: BAT AGN spectroscopic survey-II. X-ray emis- sion and high-ionization optical emission lines. MN- RAS 454, 3622
20. Bleem L. E., Stalder B., de Haan T., Aird K. A., Allen S. W., Applegate D. E., Ashby M. L. N., Bautz M., Bayliss M., Benson B. A., Bocquet S., Brodwin M., Carlstrom J. E., Chang C. L., Chiu I., Cho H. M., Clocchiatti A., Crawford T. M., Crites A. T., Desai S., Dietrich J. P., Dobbs M. A., Foley R. J., Forman W. R., George E. M., Gladders M. D., Gonzalez A. H., Halverson N. W., Hennig C., Hoek- stra H., Holder G. P., Holzapfel W. L., Hrubes J. D., Jones C., Keisler R., Knox L., Lee A. T., Leitch E. M., Liu J., Lueker M., Luong-Van D., Mantz A., Marrone D. P., McDonald M., McMahon J. J., Meyer S. S., Mocanu L., Mohr J. J., Murray S. S., Padin S., Pryke C., Reichardt C. L., Rest A., Ruel J., Ruhl J. E., Saliwanchik B. R., Saro A., Sayre J. T., Schaffer K. K., Schrabback T., Shirokoff E., Song J., Spieler H. G., Stanford S. A., Staniszewski Z., Stark A. A., Story K. T., Stubbs C. W., Vanderlinde K., Vieira J. D., Vikhlinin A., Williamson R., Zahn O., Zenteno A.: Galaxy Clusters Discovered via the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect in the 2500-Square-Degree SPT-SZ Survey. ApJS 216, 27…27B
21.Bocquet S., Saro A., Mohr J. J., Aird K. A., Ashby M. L. N., Bautz M., Bayliss M., Bazin G., Benson B. A., Bleem L. E., Brodwin M., Carlstrom J. E., Chang C. L., Chiu I., Cho H. M., Clocchiatti A., Crawford T. M., Crites A. T., Desai S., de Haan T., Dietrich J. P., Dobbs M. A., Foley R. J., For- man W. R., Gangkofner D., George E. M., Gladders M. D., Gonzalez A. H., Halverson N. W., Hennig C., Hlavacek-Larrondo J., Holder G. P., Holzapfel W. L., Hrubes J. D., Jones C., Keisler R., Knox L., Lee A. T., Leitch E. M., Liu J., Lueker M., Luong- Van D., Marrone D. P., McDonald M., McMahon J. J., Meyer S. S., Mocanu L., Murray S. S., Padin S., Pryke C., Reichardt C. L., Rest A., Ruel J., Ruhl J. E., Saliwanchik B. R., Sayre J. T., Schaf- fer K. K., Shirokoff E., Spieler H. G., Stalder B., Stanford S. A., Staniszewski Z., Stark A. A., Story K., Stubbs C. W., Vanderlinde K., Vieira J. D., Vikhlinin A., Williamson R., Zahn O., Zenteno A.: Mass Calibration and Cosmological Analysis of the SPT-SZ Galaxy Cluster Sample Using Velocity Dispersion σv and X-Ray Y X Measurements. ApJ 799, 214…799..214B
22. Bodaghee A., Tomsick J. A., Fornasini F., Rahoui F., Bauer F. E.: A First Look at the X-Ray Population of the Young Massive Cluster VVV CL077. ApJ 801, 49…801…49B
23. Bonifacio P., Caffau E., Spite M., Limongi M., Chieffi A., Klessen R. S., Franc ̧ois P., Molaro P., Ludwig H.-G., Zaggia S., Spite F., Plez B., Cayrel R., Christlieb N., Clark P. C., Glover S. C. O., Hammer F., Koch A., Monaco L., Sbordone L., Steffen M.: TOPoS . II. On the bimodality of carbon abundance in CEMP stars Implications on the early chemical evolution of galaxies. A&A 579, A28…579A..28B
24. Bonifacio P., Caffau E., Zaggia S., Franc ̧ois P., Sbordone L., Andrievsky S. M., Korotin S. A.: Chemical abundances of giant stars in the Crater stellar system. A&A 579, L6…579L…6B
25. Brahm R., Jord ́an A., Hartman J. D., Bakos G. A ́., Bayliss D., Penev K., Zhou G., Ciceri S., Rabus M., Espinoza N., Mancini L., de Val-Borro M., Bhatti W., Sato B., Tan T. G., Csubry Z., Buch- have L., Henning T., Schmidt B., Suc V., Noyes R. W., Papp I., Lázár J., Sári P.: HATS9-b and HATS10-b: Two Compact Hot Jupiters in Field 7 of the K2 Mission. AJ 150, 33….150…33B
26. Brightman M., Balokovi ́c M., Stern D., Ar ́evalo P., Ballantyne D. R., Bauer F. E., Boggs S. E., Craig W. W., Christensen F. E., Comastri A., Fuerst F., Gandhi P., Hailey C. J., Harrison F. A., Hickox R. C., Koss M., LaMassa S., Puccetti S., Rivers E., Vasudevan R., Walton D. J., Zhang W. W.: Determining the Covering Factor of Compton-thick Active Galactic Nuclei with NuSTAR. ApJ 805, 41…805…41B
27. Caffau E., Mott A., Steffen M., Bonifacio P., Strassmeier K. G., Gallagher A., Faraggiana R., Sbordone L.: Chemical composition of a sample of bright solar-metallicity stars. Astronomische Nachrichten 336, 968….336..968C
28. Cai Y.-C., Padilla N., Li B.: Testing gravity using cosmic voids. MNRAS 451, 1036
29. Calchi Novati S., Gould A., Udalski A., Menzies J. W., Bond I. A., Shvartzvald Y., Street R. A., Hundertmark M., Beichman C. A., Yee J. C., Carey S., Poleski R., Skowron J., Kozl owski S., Mr ́oz P., Pietrukowicz P., Pietrzyn ́ski G., Szyman ́ski M. K., Soszyn ́ski I., Ulaczyk K., Wyrzykowski L ., OGLE Collaboration, Albrow M., Beaulieu J. P., Caldwell J. A. R., Cassan A., Coutures C., Danielski C., Dominis Prester D., Donatowicz J., Lonˇcari ́c K., McDougall A., Morales J. C., Ranc C., Zhu W., PLANET Collaboration, Abe F., Barry R. K., Ben- nett D. P., Bhattacharya A., Fukunaga D., Inayama K., Koshimoto N., Namba S., Sumi T., Suzuki D., Tristram P. J., Wakiyama Y., Yonehara A., The MOA Collaboration, Maoz D., Kaspi S., Friedmann M., Wise Group, Bachelet E., Figuera Jaimes R., Bramich D. M., Tsapras Y., Horne K., Snodgrass C., Wambsganss J., Steele I. A., Kains N., RoboNet Col- laboration, Bozza V., Dominik M., Jørgensen U. G., Alsubai K. A., Ciceri S., D’Ago G., Haugbølle T., Hessman F. V., Hinse T. C., Juncher D., Korhonen H., Mancini L., Popovas A., Rabus M., Rahvar S., Scarpetta G., Schmidt R. W., Skottfelt J., South- worth J., Starkey D., Surdej J., Wertz O., Zarucki M., MiNDSTEp Consortium, Gaudi B. S., Pogge R. W., DePoy D. L., μFUN Collaboration: Pathway to the Galactic Distribution of Planets: Combined Spitzer and Ground-Based Microlens Parallax Mea- surements of 21 Single-Lens Events. ApJ 804, 20…804…20C
30. Cano Z., de Ugarte Postigo A., Perley D., Kru ̈hler T., Margutti R., Friis M., Malesani D., Jakobsson P., Fynbo J. P. U., Gorosabel J., Hjorth J., Sánchez- Ramírez R., Schulze S., Tanvir N. R., Thöne C. C., Xu D.: GRB 140606B/iPTF14bfu: detection of shock-breakout emission from a cosmological γ-ray burst?. MNRAS 452, 1535
31. Cantiello M., Capaccioli M., Napolitano N., Grado A., Limatola L., Paolillo M., Iodice E., Romanowsky A. J., Forbes D. A., Raimondo G., Spavone M., La Barbera F., Puzia T. H., Schipani P.: VEGAS- SSS. A VST early-type galaxy survey: analysis of small stellar systems. Testing the methodology on the globular cluster system in NGC 3115. A&A 576, A14…576A..14C
32. Carrasco D., Barrientos L. F., Pichara K., Anguita T., Murphy D. N. A., Gilbank D. G., Glad- ders M. D., Yee H. K. C., Hsieh B. C., López S.: Photometric classification of quasars from RCS-2 using Random Forest. A&A 584, A44…584A..44C
33. Cartier R., Lira P., Coppi P., Sánchez P., Arévalo P., Bauer F. E., Rabinowitz D., Zinn R., Muñoz R. R., Meza N.: The QUEST-La Silla AGN Variability Survey. ApJ 810, 164…810..164C
34. Casassus S., Marino S., Pérez S., Roman P., Dunhill A., Armitage P. J., Cuadra J., Wootten A., van der Plas G., Cieza L., Moral V., Christiaens V., Montesinos M.: Accretion Kinematics through the Warped Transition Disk in HD142527 from Resolved CO(6-5) Observations. ApJ 811, 92…811…92C
35. Castro N., Fossati L., Hubrig S., Simón-Díaz S., Schöller M., Ilyin I., Carrol T. A., Langer N., Morel T., Schneider F. R. N., Przybilla N., Herrero A., de Koter A., Oskinova L. M., Reisenegger A., Sana H., BOB Collaboration: B fields in OB stars (BOB). Detection of a strong magnetic field in the O9.7 V star HD 54879. A&A 581, A81…581A..81C
36. Chakrabarti S., Saito R., Quillen A., Gran F., Klein C., Blitz L.: Clustered Cepheid Variables 90 Kilopar- secs from the Galactic Center. ApJ 802, L4…802L…4C
37. Chang S.-J., Heo J.-E., Di Mille F., Angeloni R., Palma T., Lee H.-W.: Formation of Raman Scat- tering Wings around H alpha, H beta, and Pa alpha in Active Galactic Nuclei. ApJ 814, 98…814…98C
38. Chené A.-N., Ramírez Alegría S., Borissova J., O’Leary E., Martins F., Hervé A., Kuhn M., Kurtev R., Consuelo Amigo Fuentes P., Bonatto C., Min- niti D.: Massive open star clusters using the VVV survey. IV. WR 62-2, a new very massive star in the core of the VVV CL041 cluster. A&A 584, A31…584A..31C
39. Civano F., Hickox R. C., Puccetti S., Comastri A., Mullaney J. R., Zappacosta L., LaMassa S. M., Aird J., Alexander D. M., Ballantyne D. R., Bauer F. E., Brandt W. N., Boggs S. E., Christensen F. E., Craig W. W., Del-Moro A., Elvis M., Forster K., Gandhi P., Grefenstette B. W., Hailey C. J., Harrison F. A., Lansbury G. B., Luo B., Madsen K., Saez C., Stern D., Treister E., Urry M. C., Wik D. R., Zhang W.: The Nustar Extragalactic Surveys: Overview and Catalog from the COSMOS Field. ApJ 808, 185…808..185C
40. Cohen R. E., Hempel M., Mauro F., Geisler D., Alonso-Garcia J., Kinemuchi K.: Wide Field Near- infrared Photometry of 12 Galactic Globular Clusters: Observations Versus Models on the Red Giant Branch. AJ 150, 176….150..176C
41. Contreras S., Baugh C. M., Norberg P., Padilla N.: The galaxy-dark matter halo connection: which galaxy properties are correlated with the host halo mass?. MNRAS 452, 1861
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