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  3. The WINERED starting observations with Magellan 6.5m – Noriyuki Matsunaga

The WINERED starting observations with Magellan 6.5m – Noriyuki Matsunaga

WINERED is a near-IR spectrograph for a wide wavelength range of 0.9-1.35 micron with resolving powers of 28,000 and 70,000. After successful observations at Araki 1.3-m telescope in Japan and the NTT 3.58-m telescope at La Silla, ESO, we have started its operation with the Magellan 6.5-m telescope (Clay). With the high sensitivity, we can reach J=14.5 for a high S/N of 100 or J=16.5 for low S/N of 20. In this talk, I will report the first light made with the Magellan in 2022 June and discuss some of our sciences based on previous data and projects being planned in future runs including the one soon in June.

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Horarios: May 31, 2023 11:30

Publicado por: Claudia Aguilera


May 31, 2023

schedule 11:30 pm - 12:15 pm
place Lugar

Campus San Joaquín (Sala Seminario). ZOOM (upon request)


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