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  3. Instability in resonant planets around circumbinary stars (Matias Garcia; Observatório Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil)

Instability in resonant planets around circumbinary stars (Matias Garcia; Observatório Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil)

Currently, there are approximately 20 circumbinary planetary system detected. Most of them have only one single planet. Binary systems are great scenarios to test planet formation theories and to study the evolution of the planets, because the presence of the secondary companion increase the dynamic complexity. Several authors showed that planets can not be formed close to the binary star system because the relative velocities of the planetesimals, precursors of future planets, are high enough to cause erosion, fragmentation, etc, between them. Hydrodynamic simulations suggest that planets could have formed at farther distances, and in its interaction with the gas the planet migrates to the inner edge of the disk (Pierens & Nelson 2007, 2008, Kley & Haguiguipour 2014, 2015). In the presence of two planets in interaction with the gas disk, resonance captures between the planets may occur depending on the considered planetary mass configuration of the system, leading, in some cases, to the ejection of one of the planets (Pierens & Nelson 2007). The main objective of my PhD project is to study the dynamical evolution of planets in several resonances around binary star systems after the dissipation of the gas. In this presentation I will present the state of the art, some results obtained so far and the next steps of the project.

Horarios: Desde Noviembre 27, 2019 13:15 hasta Noviembre 27, 2019 13:45

Publicado por:


November 27, 2019 - November 27, 2019

schedule 1:15 pm - 1:45 pm
place Lugar

Seminar Room


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