The extremely long timescale motions of galaxies make them appear ‘frozen’ in the firmament, hiding their vivid and sometimes catastrophic histories, where the relentless internal and environmental forces continuously sculpt their properties. In this talk, we will explore the dynamical mechanisms that transform the structures and properties of galaxies (dwarfs and disks) in different environments (Local Group, Virgo and Fornax Clusters). We will see that when the dynamical modelling of observed galaxies is constrained by kinematic, photometric and chemical observations of their stellar and gaseous constituents, as well as complemented by cosmological galaxy simulations comparisons, it allows us to unfold the temporal and spatial evolution of galaxies. Furthermore, it can also unveil new and complex dynamical responses that galaxies can have to environmental drivers such as their host’s tidal forces and ram pressure stripping, or to internal driving processes such as bar evolution, phase-mixing, and hydro-stellar dynamical instabilities that evolve differently depending on the properties of a galaxy e.g. a cored or cuspy dark matter distributions, and/or cold/hot stellar disks, all of which is important to quantify observationally to further understand the galaxy formation and evolution paradigm.
Horarios: September 26, 2023 15:30
Publicado por: Claudia Aguilera